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POLITICS National Interests of South Korea in the ArcticM. Gutenev May the Idea of a Common Destiny Community for China and Humanity Light the World!Li Hui Stepping Up Russian-Japanese Dialogue on the Territorial IssueO. Kazakov Japan and China: New Era in Relations or Rapprochement of Convenience?V. Kistanov Current Foreign Policy of the PRCV. Portyakov After […]
GEOPOLITICS AND SECURITY Russia and NATO: A History of Relations within the Framework of Practical Cooperation at Sea A.A. Mikhlin, V.V. Molochny, V.A. Balandin Methodological Basis for Launching Asymmetric Responses in Military-Technological Battle with a High-Technology Adversary V.V. Selivanov, Yu.D. Ilyin MILITARY ART Modern Methods of Aerospace and Air Defense of Facilities and Prospective Development […]
This paper looks at the forms of using Airborne Forces formations in the Arctic and suggests action modes for them, both on their own and as part of troop/force groupings in the process of formation.