The Attitude of Russian Citizens Toward the Main Contradictions in Their Society
I. Dudin
“Green Guardians”: Attitudes of Russian Conservatives to Environmental Problems
A. Scherbak, N. Zubarev, E. Semushkina
Collective Behavior Models in Russia: Past and Future
Ya. Mirkin
The Fate of “Grand Theories” in Economics
V. Avtonomov
Health in Old Age: Stereotypes and Objective Indicators
E. Novoselova
Contemporary Russian Historiography on the Origins of Ukrainian Nationalism
(2013-2023) (FREE content)
O. Babenko
Normativity of Conscious Experience and the Hard Problem of Content
D. Ivanov
Professional Ethics: Philosophical Analysis of Moral Regulation of Professional Practices
A. Prokofyev
The Ideal Family in I. A. Goncharov’s Novels
V. Melnik
Odd One Out? Attempts at Literary Canonization of A. N. Tolstoy in the 21st Century
V. Chekushin