RAS IFES ROUND TABLE The Current State of Russian-Chinese Relations POLITICS Shanghai Cooperation Organization: Where Is It Headed?V. Vorobyov China in BRICS: First Among EqualsYa. Leksyutina ECONOMICS The Role of Chinese Living Abroad in the Development of the Northern Branch of the Silk Road Economic BeltA. Afonasyeva Ferrous Metallurgy of the PRC during the 12th […]
China has proposed a number of integration concepts that are compatible with the interests of Russia but contradict efforts by the United States to maintain a unipolar world order under its hegemony. The author’s aim is to assess the pluses and minuses of RF and PRC integration projects in Eurasia, identify the obstacles standing in the way of their execution, and find ways of eliminating existing problems.
ECONOMICS The Legitimacy of Private Property in Russia: An Unresolved IssueL. Grigoryev, A. Kurdin HISTORY The Soviet Union and the Versailles System: Politics in the Middle East. 1921-1927V. Romanenko PHILOLOGY The Characters of Ivan Goncharov’s Novel The Precipice in the Context of Russia’s Economic HistoryS. Kazakova PHILOSOPHY The “Dark Matter” of TextL. Karasev In Defense […]
In Memoriam: Academician M.L. Titarenko (Interview with A.V. Vinogradov) POLITICS Integration Projects for Eurasia: The Approaches of China, Russia, and the United StatesYu. Morozov Beijing between Pyongyang and SeoulK. Asmolov Chinese Leaders’ Approaches to Fighting International TerrorismYu. Khatchenkov Japan’s Official Development Assistance Policy and Security InterestsK. Voda The Seventh Congress of the DPRK Workers Party: […]
In January 2016, a new stage of reforming the command and control system of the armed forces began in China. This author examines redistribution of powers among the heads of the armed forces command and control system.
ECONOMICS Transition to a New Economic Strategy Based on the Specific Nature of Human Capital in RussiaA. Auzan Reindustrialization of the Russian Economy and the Development of the Military-Industrial ComplexA. Balashov Ya. Martyanova HISTORY The Arab Spring: Light and ShadowsA. Kiva PHILOLOGY The Novel Yperite in Vsevolod Ivanov’s Artistic BiographyV. Yarantsev PHILOSOPHY The Later Husserl: […]
A PART OF THE WESTERN WORLD, Europe, however, has been very selective about alien cultures and civilizations; not a “melting pot” American style, it is paying dearly for this function imposed on it. The disagreements on the migration issues in the European corridors of power threaten the cohesion of the European Unity.
WORLD ISSUES Our Past and a Secure World Order TodayA. Kelin Yalta, Potsdam and Helsinki: Lessons of History as Reflected in Contemporary Political AgendasV. Yakunin BRICS: Results of the Russian Presidency and Development VectorsA. Lukashik Arctic Security: International Law AspectsA. Moiseev The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Key Points and Potential EffectsG. Kostyunina, V. Baronov EDITOR-IN-CHIEF’S COLUMN An […]
POLITICS Cooperation Between the Mass Media of Russia and China: History, Problems, and ProspectsA. Isayev China and Japan: The Battle for the Resources and Islands of the East China SeaA. Polutov Vietnam’s Approaches to Developing Relations with the United StatesM. Terskikh The Military Security Policy of Japan Under Shinzo Abe: New TendenciesD. Streltsov ECONOMICS The […]
The author analyzes the lobbyism of U.S. interests in China and the counterlobbyism of Chinese interests in the U.S. in its executive and legislative bodies. Special attention is paid to the reciprocal coordination of these interests and mechanisms with whose help the Chinese authorities are trying to influence the adoption of political decisions in the U.S. Congress and presidential administration. Concrete examples of the interaction between American and Chinese lobbyists are cited.