The author takes on China’s economic diplomacy, a key area of that country’s foreign policy in the 21st century that includes economic rewards and coercion.
ECONOMICS Public Goods and Public Interests: Is There a Connection?V. Tambovtsev HISTORY Russian Diplomacy in the Framework of the Crimean SystemV. Khevrolina Ancient Occidental Saints in the 20th-century Russian Orthodox Church CalendarI. Semenenko-Bassin PHILOLOGY Weeping and Laughter in the “History of Pechorin’s Soul”V. Vlashchenko PHILOSOPHY Intuition and the Quantum Approach to the Theory of ConsciousnessM. […]
THEORY AND METHODOLOGY The Evolution of Assessing Comprehensive National PowerYa. Berger POLITICS ROK President Park Geun-hye’s Eurasia InitiativeL. Zakharova, K. Asmolov A Missed OpportunityV. Shabalin China’s Economic Diplomacy in the 21st CenturyYa. Leksyutina ECONOMICS Economic Security and Cooperation in East Asia: Round Table at the RAS IFES THE STATE AND SOCIETY The PRC Political Regime’s […]
“We Stand for Truth and Justice; They Are the Only Foundation on Which the Emerging Multipolar World Order Can Be Built”Sergey Lavrov “All the Events in Ukraine Are Passing Through Our Hearts and Our Souls”Alexey Meshkov WORLD ISSUES Germany’s Ostpolitik: Controversial EvolutionV. Vasiliev Consolidation of the Non-Western World During the Ukrainian Crisis (Read this article […]
THE IMPACT of the Ukrainian crisis on the structure of international relations as well as accelerated Russia’s turn toward Asia as one of its widely discussed consequences can be hardly overestimated. Reorientation, very much within the concept of the multipolar world, began long before the crisis…
WORLD ISSUES Reconsidering the Greater Europe Concept in the Context of the Ukrainian CrisisA. Kuznetsov The Possibility of Military-Political Conflicts in the FSU (Read this article online for FREE)D. Tsybakov A “Gas Window on Europe”: Nord Stream in the Context of Russia-EU Energy CooperationI. Ivannikov Eurasian Integration: Political DeterminantsA. Koshel The American Trans-Pacific Partnership Project […]
THE FORMER SOVIET UNION (FSU) remains a zone fraught with conflicts on the political map of the world. Political instability and festering disputes, including territorial disputes and disputes between political elites, prevail in many countries of the region. The developments in Ukraine show the realness of bringing into play the military factor to achieve political […]
The author analyzes different eras of the partnership between Russia and the influential regional grouping of ASEAN over the last 20 years. ASEAN’s leading role in laying the foundations for peace and security in Southeast Asia and the Asia-Pacific Region as a whole is demonstrated, along with the strategic, political, and economic importance to Russia of strengthening partnership with this organization in all areas.
ECONOMICS Corruption in Russia, Russia Corrupted: Is There a Way Out?V. Kleiner The Depletion of Academic RentYe. Balatsky HISTORY Arms Production in Russia in the Early 20th CenturyV. Polikarpov PHILOLOGY Unidentified Allusions: 1970s Critiques of Georgy Vladimov’s Novel Three Minutes of SilenceV. Sobol POLITICAL SCIENCE The Crisis of Ukrainian Statehood: Political, Legal, Axiological and Geoeconomic AspectsV. […]
Xinhua: China creates national administration of disease prevention and control, with five major functions including formulating policies for the prevention and control of infectious diseases