This paper examines the current stage in the development of US strategic nonnuclear missile weapons. It offers an analysis of likely military strategic objectives for using these weapons and looks at the existing and prospective development of weapons that can be used in a conventional prompt global strike, as well as analyzing problematic issues of support for CPGS.
“Common Threats and A Common Enemy Enabled Countries With Opposing Social and Economic Systems to Join Their Efforts for the Sake of a Victory”S. Lavrov WORLD ISSUES The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty: Results, Challenges, ProspectsM. Ulyanov, M. Lysenko The Rise or Fall of America’s World HegemonyK. Dolgov Drugs in Afghanistan: The Situation Is Getting WorseN. Plotnikov […]
IT HAS BEEN over a year since President Donald Trump announced on June 1, 2017, that the United States was withdrawing from the United Nations Paris Agreement on climate change. He thereby put an end to the suspense that had lasted right from the U.S. presidential election and was on a par with a good […]
GEOPOLITICS AND SECURITY WMD Proliferation as a Threat to National Security: Nuclear Arms V.B. Antipov, D.V. Antipov, V.A. Kovtun WMD Proliferation as a Threat to National Security: Chemical Weapons V.B. Antipov, V.A. Kovtun, S.V. Novichkov WMD Proliferation as a Threat to National Security: Biological Weapons A.B. Antipov, V.B. Antipov, V.A. Kovtun Interdepartmental Information Interaction as […]
This paper examines the scope of the simulation modeling method to propose the general theoretical aspects and grounds of creating and applying simulation modeling of armed confrontation by troop/force groupings in aerospace.
The 140th Anniversary of Bulgaria’s Liberation From the Ottoman Yoke: A Landmark in the History of Russian-Bulgarian RelationsSergey Lavrov WORLD ISSUES Priority Tasks of International Cooperation in Combating Extremism and TerrorismI. Rogachev The U.S.: A Globalizing Economy in a Globalized WorldV. Suppyan The Skripal Case: International Law AspectsA. Utkin Brexit Talks: First ResultsA. Kramarenko Relations […]
Greetings to Current and Former Russian Foreign Ministry Staff on Diplomats’ DayVladimir Putin STALINGRAD 1943 “The Experience of Alliance and BrotherhoodSergey Lavrov The Battle of Stalingrad in Archival Documents WORLD ISSUES Expanding the Agenda and Tasks of International Counterterrorism CooperationA. Lyukmanov, D. Kovalyova The Role of the UN in Reaching Diplomatic Settlements of International ConflictsO. […]
GLOBAL POLITICS today are faced with a lot of new challenges and international security threats. Domestic and foreign media outlets daily report new developments regarding tensions in Russia-U.S. interstate relations; sharp confrontation with mutual threats to use nuclear weapons between North Korea, on the one hand, and the United States, South Korea, and Japan, on […]
The Journal Military Thought Turns 100 S.V. Rodikov MILITARY ART Operational Troop Maneuvering: Multiplicity of Form A.I. Kalistratov Adaptive Approach to the Use of Antiterrorist Forces and Assets Based on the Practice of Armed Conflicts outside RussiaA.V. Vdovin MILITARY THEORY AND PRACTICE The Life-Cycle Contract for Weapons and Military Hardware as a Tool for Implementing […]
This paper generalizes and systematizes characteristic features of armed conflicts outside Russia considering external and internal factors, as well as the typical composition and peculiarities of armed confrontation between the combat systems of the sides involving indirect actions in attendant activity areas. On this basis, the author defines the principal trends in military art and characteristic features of modern combined arms engagement.