POLITICS Mongolia’s Mediation and Peacekeeping Role on the Korean Peninsula through the “Third Neighbor” ConceptI. Ignatov China in Global CyberspaceA. Isayev Public Diplomacy as an Instrument of the US’s North Korean PolicyO. Pugacheva China-Pakistan Free Trade Agreement (2006-2019)N. Zamarayeva ECONOMICS The Fourth Chinese Economic Census: Assessment of the National EconomyV. Chuvankova Japan and Central Asia: […]
WORLD ISSUES Collaboration Between Intelligence Services in the Present-Day World: Challenges and Issues (Read this article online for FREE)S. Naryshkin Europe Between the U.S. and ChinaS. Trush On the Current Migration Situation in the European Union: The Example of GermanyA. Nadezhdin Kyoto-2: The Lame Duck of West European Climate Diplomacy Lessons Learned From the International Climate […]
Seeking to ensure their national interests, states have traditionally taken advantage of opportunities offered by what is known as intelligence diplomacy, involving official bilateral or multilateral collaboration between foreign intelligence services. Foreign intelligence services have accumulated considerable experience in working together in various areas, and this applies not only to allied countries. This experience conclusively […]
GEOPOLITICS AND SECURITY Russia and the US: Conceptual Approaches to Nuclear DeterrenceO.Yu. Aksyonov, Yu.N. Tretyakov Strategic Culture as a Tool in Military-Political AnalysisA.A. Bartosh Strategic Significance of the Northern Sea RouteV.V. Kruglov, M.A. Lopatin New Challenges and Threats to Russia’s National Interests in the Mediterranean RegionA.A. Mikhlin, V.V. Molochny, S.N. Okhremchuk, V.A. Balandin, T.M. Koemets […]
The radical transformation of international relations and the emergence of new types of conflicts are urging Russian military science to step up research on strategic culture.
FOCUS ON RUSSIA Russian Identity: The Search for Its Definition and Dynamics of Its SpreadL. Drobizheva All-Russian Identity in the Orthodox-Islamic BorderlandS. Ryzhova How Are Young Russians Different from the Older Generations? Results of Sociological MonitoringD. Volkov Patriotism as Political Discourse in Contemporary RussiaM. Martynov, L. Fadeeva, A. Gaberkorn ESSAYS Drivers of the World EconomyV. […]
This article focuses on the more notable differences between the attitudes of young Russians and representatives of older generations in such areas as digitalization, television viewing, attitudes toward the West, tolerance of LGBT people, attitudes toward independence and willingness to do business, involvement in civic and protest activities.
COVID-19 Statement by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia and the President of the Russian Federation 75 Years of the United NationsSergey Lavrov AMERICAN VECTOR American Absurdities (Read this article online for FREE)M. Taratuta The U.S.: Great Depression 2.0V. Vasilyev WORLD ISSUES Non-Aligned Status for United Germany: A […]
I am prepared to assert that there is no idea so wonderful that it cannot be brought to the point of absurdity, or even turned into its exact opposite. Worse yet, lots of wonderful ideas often just end up reaching an ignominious end.
POLITICS The Korean States’ Policy on Fighting the CoronavirusK. Asmolov Japan and South Korea: Allies, Partners, Adversaries? The Anatomy of RelationsV. Kistanov China’s Involvement in Global Governance: Historical Background and Current PhaseYa. Leksyutina The Pitfalls of Russia’s Military Cooperation with the United States and ChinaYu. Morozov PRC Policy in Southeast AsiaR. Polonchuk ECONOMICS China’s Energy […]