Against the background of a protracted and arduous war on the coronavirus pandemic, the experience of countries that were able either to keep the virus out or to handle the problem with relatively few cases and deaths draws attention. In this context, both the DPRK and RoK are interesting examples, whose experiences, including comparative ones, are worth a more careful look.
COVID-19 Two Superpandemics for One Humanity Is Too Many! (Read this article online for FREE)A. Krutskikh International Organizations and the Fight Against Novel PandemicsA. Varfolomeyev WORLD ISSUES Multipolarity Taking Shape in the Real WorldM. Troyansky, O. Karpovich Five Hypotheses About the Future WorldD. Evstafiev, A. Ilnitsky A New Political Evil and the Crisis of the […]
International Affairs: To what extent has the COVID-19 pandemic heightened cybersecurity concerns? Are there any new threats? A. Krutskikh: Digital tools have become a lifeline for millions of people during the coronavirus pandemic. The Internet, which facilitates communication between people, is becoming increasingly open, but at the same time, it poses an enormous risk. As […]
FOCUS ON RUSSIA Young Intellectuals: Why Do They Leave, and Then Decide to Return to Russia?L. Borusyak Chances of Succeeding in Life as Seen in the Provinces in RussiaYe. Reutov, M. Reutova, I. Shavyrina ESSAYS Globalization: Territorial Heterogeneity and New Types of ConflictsV. Sergeev, A. Kazantsev, S. Medvedeva Intercultural Policies and Their Perspectives in RussiaE. […]
The answer to the problem of science as a political agent should demonstrate the extent to which the topic of philosophy of science and technology intersects with the philosophy of politics and modern science and technology studies, or STS. This problem is part of the topical agenda of social discourse on the nature of the Modernity and Postmodernity, the prospects of civilization, the role of scientific and technological development and the growing role of the media.
The pandemic, which from the outset Washington has “promoted” as a “Chinese scourge,” was designed to isolate China and put a full stop to globalization as we know it now, a phenomenon seriously affecting all major Western countries, including the U.S. We have witnessed a crisis in relations between Western countries – be it the […]
COVID-19 “We Are Paying for Our Carelessness”A. Chuchalin COVID-19: Battlefield or Cooperation Opportunity?A. Yakovenko Coronavirus: Political PhilosophyA. Shchipkov WORLD ISSUES The U.S. Economy in a Polycentric World: Prospects for Preserving Its PositionV. Supyan The Evolution of NATO’s Soviet and Russian Deterrence PolicyYu. Belobrov The Islamic Vector of Russia’s Foreign PolicyR. Abdulatipov CELAC:AResetM. Troyansky, O. Karpovich […]
ROUND TABLE AT THE RAS IFES Japan’s Relations with Other Countries of East Asia: Problems, Trends, Prospects POLITICS Political Power in Japan: What Are the Opposition’s Chances?D.V. Streltsov Hong Kong 2019: Challenges to the “One Country, Two Systems” ModelA.V. Vinogradov Integrational Processes in Southeast Asia: Stages of Establishing a Regional ComplexK.A. Yefremova ECONOMICS Russia’s Turn […]
This article examines the stages of establishing a Southeast Asian regional complex from the end of the 1940s to the present day. The prehistory of creating a regionwide organization that would allow the building of a collective regional identity is described.
FOCUS ON RUSSIA “Liberals” vs. “Democrats”: Ideational Trajectories of Russia’s Post-Communist TransformationV. Gel’man Typical Views, Attitudes and Self-Identifications in Principal Strata of Today’s Russian SocietyN. Tikhonova Jews in Contemporary Russia: Assimilation and DissimilationA. Levinson ESSAYS Crisis of the Union State of Russia and BelarusA. Suzdaltsev The Stalin Prizes of Architect Ivan Zholtovsky (1940-1953)O. Shurygina Leo […]