This paper analyzes current problems with the use of tactical airborne troops during operations (combat operations) due to the development of military assets and changes in the nature and content of modern military conflicts. It offers some possible solutions as a basis for further scientific research and discussion on this topic.
FOCUS ON RUSSIA “Adult” Youth in the Contemporary Social Space of RussiaL. Belyaeva Adaptation Strategies of Opponents and Supporters of the Special Military Operation (Based on Residents of Samara Province) (FREE content!)V. Zvonovsky, A. Khodykin Construction of Identity in Russia’s Muslim Regions in the Context of the Emerging All-Russian IdentityYu. Pochta ESSAYS The Historical Memory […]
Adaptation strategies to such traumatic events as military conflicts are largely determined by assessments of these events. The purpose of this article is to describe the similarities and differences in the adaptation strategies of supporters and opponents of the Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine.
POLITICS Russia’s Relations With the Korean Peninsula States in the New Reality I. Dyachkov The Nationality Factor in Chinese-Mongolian Relations R. Tarantul Chinese Policy in Latin America: Lessons and Risks for Spain M. Pupysheva, M. Navdayeva ECONOMICS The Expediency of Creating a Supranational Currency Within the SCO and BRICS Under the Impact of Trade and […]
This paper examines the content and driving forces of the “Made in China 2025” plan adopted by China’s State Council in 2015, discusses the key goals of the plan and the main factors influencing its implementation, and elucidates the areas and stages of development of the industrial technology base.
International Affairs Vol. 69, No. 3, 2023 WORLD ISSUES Nonpolarity: An Intermediate Stage on the Road to Multipolarity? A. Dmitrichenko Priorities of Modern Russian Diplomacy: Between the UN and a “Rules-Based Order” O. Lebedeva Russia Will Lead the Fight for a Just International Economic Order A. Baklanov Missiles as an International Security Problem: A Mad […]
The time has come to state bluntly that the West has taken the path of war in hopes of destabilizing Russia and replacing the people in power with its puppets – in other words, to finally solve the Russian question.
The time has come to state bluntly that the West has taken the path of war in hopes of destabilizing Russia and replacing the people in power with its puppets – in other words, to finally solve the Russian question.
GEOPOLITICS AND SECURITY Nonmilitary Measures for Ensuring Russia’s Military SecurityL.A. Prudnikov, A.V. Kuzmenko MILITARY ART Logistical Support in Combat and Operations: A Problem and Potential SolutionsA.V. Toporov, M.S. Bondar, R.V. Akhmetyanov Methodology for Assessing the Combat Potential of Troop (Force) Groupings in Strategic SectorsA.V. Smolovy, A.V. Pavlovsky Combat in an Aerospace Theater of OperationsA.G. Semyonov, Yu.V. Krivitsky, V.G. Chekhovsky Development of Assets to Counter […]
This paper considers the most important operational-tactical and military-technical problems of building and developing the strike aviation of Russia’s Aerospace Forces in light of the main factors and trends inherent in military conflicts at the beginning of the 21st century.