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This paper conducts a retrospective analysis of the evolution of views on military security in the Arctic region by Russia’s military-political leadership. It singles out the main factors that have affected the practical implementation of measures to protect the northern borders of the state.
GEOPOLITICS AND SECURITY Ensuring Russia’s Military Security in the Arctic: History of the IssueYe.V. Bey National Interests of the RF in the Global Ocean and State Policy Tools for Their DefenseA.I. Ismailov, A.N. Popov, V.V. Puchnin Military-Political Aspects of Ensuring the Military Security of the Russian FederationV.I. Tolshmyakov, T.V. Orlova The Role of New Strategic […]
Ryklin: Biden’s killer comment unleashes a new Putin.
Current Digest of the Russian Press, Letter From the Editors, Volume 73, Number 12
LETTER FROM THE EDITORS Say It Like You Don’t Mean It FEATURED NEWS STORIES Biden Interview Blows Up US-Russia Ties (read an article from this feature online for FREE) THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Politics Russia Alleges West is Preparing Campaign to Discredit Sputnik V Vaccine Chechnya Novaya Gazeta’s Offices Attacked After Ex Chechen Cop’s Testimony on Extrajudicial […]
Xinhua: Despite billing itself as a champion of universal human rights, Washington has habitually pointed fingers at others when it comes to this issue. However, its practice of finger-pointing is ironic and smacks of a double standard.
FEATURED NEWS STORIES China, West Continue to Spar Over Human Rights (Read an article from this feature for FREE) China Adopts Amended HKSAR Basic Law WHO Releases COVID-19 Origin Report POLITICS & CULTURE Politics China Strives for Common Prosperity for All Five-Year Plan Mirrors Socialist Democracy Spirit of Revolutionary Martyrs Key to Rejuvenation Government China […]
LETTER FROM THE EDITORS Muddled Situations All Around FEATURED NEWS STORIES Russia Cracks Down on Twitter (Read a portion of this feature online for FREE) THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Politics Gontmakher: Kremlin’s Isolationist Policies Are Robbing the Country of Its Future S&P Cites Future Power Transition as a Risk Factor Due to Potential Volatility Elections Pollsters […]
Roskomnadzor introduces measures to slow traffic to Twitter over prohibited content
Current Digest of the Russian Press, Letter From the Editors, Volume 73, Number 11