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Xinhua: On multiple occasions since their arrival in Wuhan on Jan. 14, the experts, composed of 17 international and 17 Chinese scientists, have shattered the lab-leak theory, called for science-based approaches, and commended China’s openness and candor.
FEATURED NEWS STORIES China Declares Victory Over Absolute Poverty China Challenges West on Xinjiang, Human Rights POLITICS & CULTURE Politics CPC Leads China’s Transformation China Constantly Improves Democratic Institutions Xi Stresses Development of Social Security Regions China’s Jing-Jin-Ji Region Deepens Coordination Hong Kong ‘Patriots Governing Hong Kong’ – a Call of the Times HK Aims […]
This article deals with Japan’s reaction to the One Belt One Road initiative put forward by China and formation of Japanese strategy toward the PRC under new conditions. We analyze Indo-Pacific region conception developed by Japan and the United States.
POLITICS Mongolia’s Mediation and Peacekeeping Role on the Korean Peninsula through the “Third Neighbor” ConceptI. Ignatov China in Global CyberspaceA. Isayev Public Diplomacy as an Instrument of the US’s North Korean PolicyO. Pugacheva China-Pakistan Free Trade Agreement (2006-2019)N. Zamarayeva ECONOMICS The Fourth Chinese Economic Census: Assessment of the National EconomyV. Chuvankova Japan and Central Asia: […]
Xinhua: China and the US, the world’s top two economies, could greatly benefit both themselves and the world at large by steering the bilateral relationship to the right course.
FEATURED NEWS STORIES China Celebrates the Year of the Ox China Forges Cooperation With CEEC Countries China Rebukes Western Media Over Xinjiang, WHO Chinese Continues International Vaccine Distribution POLITICS & CULTURE Politics CPC Draws Strength From History Xi Stresses Studying Party History on Centenary Xi Stresses New Development Philosophy Government China Advances Proposals from NPC […]
NG: The main takeaways from the protests in various Russian cities over the arrest of Aleksei Navalny can be summed up in two slogans: freedom for Navalny and shame on Putin. In other words, the radicalization of political life in the country has reduced the confrontation to a simple choice of “for” or “against.”
Current Digest of the Russian Press, Letter From the Editors, Volume 73, Number 5
LETTER FROM THE EDITORS Moscow Helps Biden Administration Make a New START – But Will It Last? FEATURED NEWS STORIES New START Gets Stay of Execution Protests Erupt in Russia After Navalny Arrest (Read an article from this feature for free online) THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Politics Dmitry Peskov Denies Putin’s Ownership of Gelendzhik Luxury Complex in […]
Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev says moment of reckoning has come in the US. It must reform or continue to be torn apart from within.