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Выборы на фоне Крыма: Электоральный цикл 2016-2018 гг. и перспективы политического транзита. Под ред. В. ФЕДОРОВА. М.: ВЦИОМ, 2018. 440 с. This review was first published in Russian in the journal Sotsiologicheskiye issledovaniya (Sociological Studies. 2019. No. 5, pp. 171-174; DOI: 10.31857/S013216250004974-4). Parliamentary and presidential elections are the highest points of a political cycle. Until […]
Tension around the Korean Peninsula is one of the main threats to international security. North Korea’s acquisition of nuclear and missile weapon systems has become a new serious factor in global strategic stability. Previously, during the cold war era, the only tool of control over strategic weapons was the relationship between Moscow and Washington. At present, the international situation has radically changed. New nuclear powers – India, Pakistan, Israel, and North Korea – regardless of whether or not the original five members of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) acknowledge them as such, are not under the control of either Washington or Moscow or Beijing, acting at their own discretion, as they see fit.
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF INTERVIEWS “No Positive Changes in Washington’s Policy Toward Russia”Sergey Ryabkov WORLD ISSUES Russian-Chinese Relations: A New Historical Stage of DevelopmentI. Morgulov The U.S. in Afghanistan: From Military-Political Euphoria to the Dilemma of Troop WithdrawalM. Konarovsky Can North Korean Nuclear Missile Crisis Be Resolved? (Read this article online for FREE)G. Ivashentsov Islamic Maximalism and Minimalism: […]
The border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland is the key issue at the talks on Brexit. An absence of Ireland’s only land border is its most amazing feature. The winding and twisting border of nearly 499 km long is not marked by pillars or barriers; there is no barbed wire or checkpoints. After the 2016 referendum on the withdrawal of Great Britain from the EU, the border issue moved to the fore in the relations between the UK and Ireland. When the UK leaves the European Union, the counties on both sides of the twisting border will become the frontier of the EU which will increase, at least theoretically, the possibility of political and economic crises and deeper conflicts in both countries.
ON THE 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Russian-Chinese Relations at the Start of a New Historical Stage of DevelopmentI. Morgulov The Golden Decade of Sino-Russian RelationsLi Hui Russia-China Partnership 2019: Strategic, Military-Political, and Economic ParametersS. Luzyanin Foreign Economic Relations of the People’s Republic of ChinaV. Portyakov POLITICS China, the United States, and […]
FOCUS ON RUSSIA State-Church Relations in Russia, or the National Features of SecularismV. Malakhov, D. Letnyakov The Judiciary of Post-Soviet Russia in Its Social ContextYu. Nisnevich RUSSIA IN THE WORLD Three Dimensions of Post-Soviet “Frozen” ConflictsN. Arbatova Russia and the Baltic States in the Context of the Ukraine CrisisR. Simonyan ESSAYS Pros and Cons of […]
This article considers the countries of the so-called “Big Three” and the relations among them today. An attempt is made to predict the places and roles of the three countries in reworking the world order, based on the views they hold and features of the existing and future world order. Recommendations are made for their optimization and building harmonious relations capable of establishing a durable and long-lasting peace.
GEOPOLITICS AND SECURITY Military Conflicts of Today and Development Prospects for Their Methods: Direct and Indirect ActionsA.S. Fadeyev, V.I. Nichipor Information Security: Protection against Internal and External Impacts in CyberspaceV.V. lozovsky, A.S. Kuzmenko, A.A. Kuznetsov, V.A. Galitsky MILITARY ART Preventing Man-Made Disasters Provoked by the Adversary in the Course of FightingR.A. Durnev, K.Yu. Kryukov, F.M. […]
This paper examines the principal features of hybrid warfare and ways of protection from information-psychological impact as a major element within the system of national security. It shows the need to establish within the RF AF a system of providing experts in the area of protection against information warfare conducted in cyberspace.
CONTENTS A History of Ups and Downs: The 140th Anniversary of the Establishment of Russian-Bulgarian Diplomatic RelationsSergey Lavrov EDITOR-IN-CHIEF INTERVIEWS “Expanding Our Country’s Circle of Friends Has Been Our Main Goal”Eleonora Mitrofanova WORLD ISSUES NATO’s Military Activity in the North AtlanticYu. Belobrov The EU in Search of ItselfV. Chernega Germany and China: From Cooperation to […]