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What is the role of ideas in modernization in general and in post-Soviet modernization in particular? There is no consensus among experts on the contribution of ideas to the building of new institutions and practices in various countries in various historical periods. They answer differently the question of whether ideas cause transformations or the other way around. However, when it comes to political, economic and social transformations in post-Soviet Russia, the prevailing view is that ideas were secondary to the interests of key players.
The outbreak of the trade war is associated with the election in 2016 of U.S. President Donald Trump, who in large part built his campaign on criticizing China and promising to put an end to its “unfair” trade practices that “rob America” and deprive its citizens of jobs. The fixation on anti-Chinese rhetoric was made […]
Russian President Vladimir Putin began a meeting on economic issues on Tuesday [April 14] by proposing to evaluate the new economic trends that have emerged because of the coronavirus pandemic. Russia’s economic situation is currently not all that rosy. After panic purchases of food and essential goods, Russians are switching to austerity [consumer habits], according to business surveys. That is not surprising: Many citizens expect either to lose their job or take a pay cut this year.
CONTENTS Sergey Lavrov Turns 70 To Provide Strategic Stability and Form a Just World OrderVladimir Putin A Diplomat Is Above All a PatriotS. Lavrov RUSSIA AND OTHER NATIONS Russia and Indonesia: 70 Years of Fruitful CooperationS. Lavrov Russia and Vietnam: Decades-Long FriendshipSergey Lavrov Vietnamese-Russian Comprehensive Strategic Partnership: Continuing Traditions, Confidently Looking Into the FuturePham Binh […]
The paper examines the position of the Republic China consulates in the Soviet Union in 1937-1938. During the Great Terror period. Chinese consulates found themselves in an ambiguous position.
THE 20TH CENTURY went down in history as a century of ideologies and sharp confrontation of states belonging to different systems, the Soviet Union and the United States in the first place. The 21st century has already demonstrated a mounting geopolitical confrontation of great powers that drew international business interests into their whirlpool.
POLITICS Chinese Business in Russia and Its Prospective Role in One Belt, One Road Initiative A. Afonasyeva Chinese-German Relations: Striving toward a Model A. Galimzyanova China’s “Soft Power” and the BRICS Countries E. Shirgazina ECONOMICS Impact of Sanctions on North Korean Trade and Economy G. Bulychev, I. Korgun Belt and Road 2.0 Initiative and Russia B. Heifetz, N. Stepanov THEORY […]
ROUNDTABLE A New Understanding of Strategic Stability WORLD ISSUES Global Crisis as a Trigger of Geoeconomic Transformations: Challenges for RussiaD. Evstafiev, A. Ilnitsky Big Business in a Multipolar WorldA. Borisov The Islamic Factor in the Middle East and North Africa: The “Re-lslamization” PhenomenonYe. Zelenev, O. Ozerov Formation of a Political Elite for Modern Iraq: American […]
Выборы на фоне Крыма: Электоральный цикл 2016-2018 гг. и перспективы политического транзита. Под ред. В. ФЕДОРОВА. М.: ВЦИОМ, 2018. 440 с. This review was first published in Russian in the journal Sotsiologicheskiye issledovaniya (Sociological Studies. 2019. No. 5, pp. 171-174; DOI: 10.31857/S013216250004974-4). Parliamentary and presidential elections are the highest points of a political cycle. Until […]