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POLITICS National Interests of South Korea in the ArcticM. Gutenev May the Idea of a Common Destiny Community for China and Humanity Light the World!Li Hui Stepping Up Russian-Japanese Dialogue on the Territorial IssueO. Kazakov Japan and China: New Era in Relations or Rapprochement of Convenience?V. Kistanov Current Foreign Policy of the PRCV. Portyakov After […]
GEOPOLITICS AND SECURITY Russia and NATO: A History of Relations within the Framework of Practical Cooperation at Sea A.A. Mikhlin, V.V. Molochny, V.A. Balandin Methodological Basis for Launching Asymmetric Responses in Military-Technological Battle with a High-Technology Adversary V.V. Selivanov, Yu.D. Ilyin MILITARY ART Modern Methods of Aerospace and Air Defense of Facilities and Prospective Development […]
This paper looks at the forms of using Airborne Forces formations in the Arctic and suggests action modes for them, both on their own and as part of troop/force groupings in the process of formation.
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF INTERVIEWS “Such Negative Relations Between Washington and Moscow Are Unacceptable”L. Slutsky “The U.S. Wants Syria to Become Its Global Policy Tool”Walid Muallem WORLD ISSUES A New Helsinki Process: Pros and ConsV. Petrovsky July 2018 NATO Summit: “Technical” Decisions and “Strategic Ambiguity”D. Danilov NATO and the OSCE: Partners or Rivals?Yu. Belobrov The German Social Democratic […]
This article analyzes development prospects of relations between Russia and Japan as Japanese diplomacy toward Russia becomes more active. In May 2016, Prime Minister S. Abe put forward an eight-point cooperation program. More than 100 economic agreements have been signed within the framework of that program; however, most of them have not been implemented. The author examines the reasons for failure of these bilateral relations to develop.
FOCUS ON RUSSIA Russians on the Correlation Between the Interests of the State and Human Rights. An Empirical AnalysisN. Tikhonova Aging Trajectories of Women in Modern Russia I. Grigoryeva, I. Sizova Challenges to the Social Sciences and Humanities in Russia A. Torkunov ESSAYS Philosophical Theory of Knowledge: Is Its Future in Question?Z. Sokuler (De)Construction of Identities and […]
THE NINTH CONFERENCE OF AMBASSADORS AND PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVES OF RUSSIA “Our People Want Russia To Be a Strong, Independent and Peaceful State”Vladimir Putin On the Sidelines of the Conference THE SECOND EURASIAN WOMEN’S FORUM “We Women Are an Increasingly Significant Motive Force of the Historical Process”Valentina Matviyenko EDITOR-IN-CHIEF INTERVIEWS “It Is Becoming Harder to Trust […]
Armen Oganesyan, Editor-in-Chief, International Affairs: Sergey Alekseyevich, at the Helsinki summit, President Donald Trump repeatedly spoke about his desire to get along with Russia. Are there any actual signals that this intention could be acted upon in the near future? S. Ryabkov: We certainly welcome this mood, which the U.S. president has reaffirmed more than […]
POLITICS The Maldives Crisis in Chinese-Indian Relations: Causes and ConsequencesA. Kupriyanov Russia and Japan: Asymmetry of InterestsV. Kuzminkov Vietnam’s Current Approaches to Settling Disputes in the South China SeaYe. Narkhova Outlines of Security for the Greater Eurasian PartnershipV. Petrovsky The Silk Road Economic Belt Project and Security in Central AsiaYe. Safronova The RIC Format 20 […]
GEOPOLITICS AND SECURITY Strategy and Counterstrategy in a Hybrid War A.A. Bartosh National Security and Festivals in Russia: Certain Aspects of Mutual Influence Conducive to Stability in the Development of the State D.M. Bulychev, S.P. Lagutkin, L.A. Zolotovskaya, O.I. Iskuskov Analyzing the US Conventional Prompt Global Strike Program O.S. Kupach How the U.S.A. Is Using […]