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POST-IMPERIAL and post-Soviet Russia has just started its quest for self-identity. This is neither good nor bad: its new state hypostasis is only twenty-five years old which makes it not an easy task to send “Urbi et orbi” a clear and convincing message about its essence and the optimal ways of its realization. Each U-turn […]
POLITICS Foreign Policy of the People’s Republic of China in 2016V. Portyakov Beijing’s European OffensiveA. Vinogradov ECONOMICS The Formation of China as a Global Innovative PowerYa. Berger The Role of Chinese Living Abroad in the Development of the Southern Branch of the Silk Road Economic BeltA. Afonasyeva Assessment of Structural Changes in the Economy of […]
MILITARY ART What Kind of Warfare Should the Russian Armed Forces Be Prepared for? V.A. Kiselyov Information Warfare at the Operational-Tactical Control Level K.A. Trotsenko MILITARY THEORY AND PRACTICE An Algorithm for Validating Trends in the Development of the Arms System for EW Forces Yu.Ye. Donskov, Yu.N. Yarygin, D.M. Byvshikh Modeling an Airspace Trespasser at […]
WORLD ISSUES The Russian Track: As Barack Obama Leaves, He Leaves RuinsSergey Ryabkov Ban Ki-moon’s Legacy and Global IssuesV. Churkin Effects of the Unipolar World Concept on European and Global Security SystemsL. Voronkov The U.S. Middle East Policy: Stages and InstrumentsYe. Biryukov The Military Reform in China: Strategic, Political, Organizational, and Administrative AspectsA. Kokoshin EDITOR-IN-CHIEF […]
The author describes the history of creating nuclear weapons in the PRC and discloses the essence of its present nuclear doctrine. He also characterizes in detail the Missile Forces of the People’s Liberation Army of China and makes certain conclusions concerning the development prospects of the PRC armed forces.
SOCIETY AND REFORMS Strengthening Law and Order and Combating Corruption in the Context of Eurasian IntegrationT. Khabriyeva, N. Chernogor Axiological Transformation of Russian Society Amid a Sociopolitical Crisis and Post-Crimea SyndromeL. Byzov RUSSIAN POLITICAL PROCESS “Politicized” Bureaucrats as Agents of Economic Development in Resource-Rich RegionsS. Levin, K. Sablin JUSTICE Between Leviathan and Mammon: In Search […]
TODAY’S INTENSE CONFRONTATION between Russia and the West is causing increasing anxiety both among political experts and among ordinary people all over the world. Polemics between the two sides tend to be sharper than propaganda philippics of the Cold War era. 1 The euphoria of the 1990s over the “end of history” with the standoff […]
GEOPOLITICS AND SECURITY Ensuring Russia’s National Security in the Arctic N.I. Sidnyayev Is Science-and-Technology Security Up to the Task of Ensuring Russia’s Defense Capability and Knowledge-Intensive Economic Development? V.V. Selivanov, Yu.D. Ilyin MILITARY ART Gaining and Maintaining Aerospace Superiority Should Take a Fitting Place in the Development of Russian Military Theory and Aerospace Forces Training […]
POLITICS The Taiwan Issue in Modern Sino-American RelationsA. Voloshina ECONOMICS The Silk Road Economic Belt – A New Model of Attractive Economic Partnership for the Eurasian Economic UnionB. Heifetz The Problem of Debt in China’s Economy: Assessment, Scenarios, and SolutionsI. Vakhrushin THEORY AND METHODOLOGY In Memoriam: Yakov Mikhailovich Berger The Science and Technology Component in […]