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THEORY AND METHODOLOGY Evolution and Peculiarities of China’s Foreign Relations in East AsiaV. Portyakov POLITICS Northeast Asia in China’s Current Foreign Policy StrategyA. Voloshina Chinese Lobbyism in the U.S.A.D. Grafov China, U.S.A., and Russia Between Cooperation and RivalryA. Davydov The PRC and Europe: Multilateral Cooperation StructureA. Vinogradov China’s Changing Sentiments Toward Iraqi Kurdistan N. Mossaki […]
The author discusses security on the landmass taken up by the member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and closely scrutinizes Islamic fundamentalism dressing up in our times as the Islamic State (of Iraq and Levant, or Syria, to give the full unabbreviated name of ISIS), the Taliban, or whatever names its proponents choose to call it – that is raising its head in Afghanistan after the failure of Operation Enduring Freedom and withdrawal of the Western coalition’s main forces from that country, and sheds light on the U.S.’s ill-fated role in the erosion of stability in the region. The author also argues for the need to strengthen the SCO’s military arm to keep its enormous expanses secure and stable, and offers his recommendations on enhancing the Organization’s power and capabilities to give its members a sense of protection and security.
Letter From the EditorsPutin Seeks to Burnish Russia’s Image in Foreign Media, but Will His Messaging on Ukrainian, Syrian Crises Alter International Community’s Perception of Russia? FEATURED NEWS STORIES New Year, New Hopes for Donetsk Basin Talks Does Putin’s German Interview Mark Turn to West? THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Politics Kadyrov Gropes RussiaChechen Leader Ramzan Kadyrov […]
Letter From the EditorsOut With Ukraine, In With Syria: Recalling 2015 and Contemplating 2016 FEATURED NEWS STORIES Experts Weigh Prospects for Partnership on Syria Putin Outlines Russia’s Place in New World Order How Carefully Do You Read the CDRP? THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Politics State of Instability: Five Cliff-Hangers of 2016Stanovaya: 2016 Could Be the Chaotic […]
Letter From the EditorsWhen Putin Looks in the Mirror, He Sees Erdogan; Can Russian Truckers Bring Down the Regime? FEATURED NEWS STORIES Can Moscow, Ankara Step Back From the Brink? THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Politics Sixth Column of TruckersRogov: Trucker Protest Destroying Kremlin Myth of Close Unity Between People, Putin Khodorkovsky Breaks Truce With PutinGorbachov: Khodorkovsky’s […]
THE CRISIS between Russia and the West is associated with Crimea and Russia’s actions in Donbass and Ukraine; in fact, it has deeper roots while its long-term repercussions might prove to be much graver than expected. A large-scale armed clash cannot be excluded even if this possibility is gradually reducing; we should be ready to […]
THE 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE UNITED NATIONS Making the World Stable and SafeSergey Lavrov The UN: No Place for Jokes?G. Gatilov, V. Kikilo The Global CooperativeA. Gorelik Can We Restore the Harmony of Victorious 1945?A. Orlov Proposed Reforms of the UN Security CouncilD. Kikou WORLD ISSUES Russia and Europe: What Next?Alexey Meshkov Relations Between Russia […]
Letter From the EditorsPutin’s Message to the Federal Assembly: Rhetoric vs. Reality. FEATURED NEWS STORIES Putin Stresses Unity in National Address Russian Counterstrike: Sanctions Against Turkey THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION State and Law Constitution Abolished on First ReadingReznik: Bill Enabling Constitutional Court to Disregard International Law an Outrage Public Prosecutor’s Office Is ImmortalAnticorruption Fund Releases Report […]
Letter From the EditorsRussia, Turkey and the Crimea: A Troublesome Week in the Neighborhood FEATURED NEWS STORIES Turkish Warplane Shoots Down Russian Bomber Can ISIS Reconcile West, Russia? THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Politics Superpower on TV: How the War in Syria Prolongs Putin’s RuleKashin: Russia’s Foreign Policy Aims Only to Keep Putin in Power for as […]
Letter From the EditorsWhat’s Assad Got to Do With It? From the Paris Attacks to Ukraine’s Ambitions – Everything. FEATURED NEWS STORIES Paris Terrorist Attacks Reverberate in Moscow What Does Russia’s Syria Campaign Accomplish? THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION State and Law A Battalion of GhostsSokolov: Half-Hearted Investigations of High-Profile Killings Involving Chechens Raise Questions Military Affairs […]