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Letter From the EditorsCan’t We All Just Get on the Same Page Already? FEATURED NEWS STORIES Can Minsk Agreements Be Saved? Russian FM Pitches Syria Proposal in Doha THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION State and Law Russian Media Speculate: Where Is Convicted Defense OfficialUncertainty Over Convicted Defense Ministry Official’s Whereabouts Creates Media Furor Military Affairs Abandoned Mistral […]
Letter From the EditorsIt’s Not Whether You Win or Lose, It’s the Compulsion to Play the Game FEATURED NEWS STORIES Opposition Faces Trouble in Local Elections Russia Adopts New Naval Doctrine How Carefully Do You Read the CDRP? THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Politics Conquering FoodAptekar: Russia’s Decision to Destroy Banned Western Food Items a Senseless Provocation […]
Letter From the EditorsThe Lost Art of Compromise; Perils of Playing Hard to Get and the Demise of Old School Diplomacy FEATURED NEWS STORIES Experts Discuss Pros, Cons of Iran Deal THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Politics Food Embargo to Be Reinforced by Criminal CodeRussian Officials Struggle to Enforce EU Food Products Embargo State and Law Exclusive […]
The authors discuss the major advantages of overland routes running across Russian territory and look at outside and domestic obstacles hindering integration of the Russian transportation network into the system of international transit corridors. They also consider the likely ways and options available for integrating the Russian Federation into the international transportation system and expanding its involvement in international freight traffic between the APR and European countries.
Letter From the EditorsRight Sector Under the Gun. Russia Under Scrutiny. China Under Suspicion. Kazakhstan Under the Radar. FEATURED NEWS STORIES Mukachevo Shootout Targets Right Sector Iran Nuclear Agreement Reached THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Politics Experts: The Romanovs Will Not Reign Again; Russia Already Has Its TsarCan the Romanovs Find a Home in Russia? State and […]
The focus of attention is the “social mechanism of the transformation process,” its main features and cognitive capacity, and the basic building blocks and relationships of the original “activities-structural” conception of this mechanism.
ECONOMICS Tatyana Zaslavskaya and Her Contribution to the Study of Post-Communist TransformationsM. Shabanova Mikhail Tugan-Baranovsky’s Ethical Economics and the Challenges of Global DevelopmentB. Korneychuk HISTORY World War I: A Historian’s ViewV. Vinogradov PHILOLOGY Herzen Jr., or Why Did Stavrogin Go to Iceland?I. Sirotkina PHILOSOPHY Medieval Nominalism and the Genesis of a New European MentalityP. Gaidenko […]
Armen Oganesyan, Editor-in-Chief of International Affairs: Sergey Alekseyevich, over the past several months, the pace of international life has become extremely intense and evidently fast. What would you single out as the most important thing amid this mass of events? S. Ryabkov: The pace has certainly accelerated. I have no doubts about that. The most […]
Letter From the EditorsRussia in Crisis Mode: The ‘Presumption of Trust’ and the Quest for Geopolitical Standing FEATURED NEWS STORIES Duma Ends Session With Frenzy of Prohibitive Laws Russia Hosts BRICS, SCO Summits THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Politics One Hundred Years of SolitudeKozlov: Russian Security Council Preparing for Protracted Standoff With the West ‘Sad Clowns’: Kremlin […]
GEOPOLITICS AND SECURITY Informational and Psychological Capabilities in State Defense I. V. Puzenkin, V.V. Mikhailov Nonnuclear Deterrence in the Strategic Deterrence System V.I. Polegayev, VV. Alferov A Space Monitoring System as Part of Strategic Deterrence Yu.A. Vartanian, I.I. Oleinikov, D.Yu. Ubozhenko Russia’s Aerospace Security B.L. Zaretsky MILITARY THEORY AND PRACTICE A Methodological Approach to Assessing […]