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WORLD ISSUES The UN as a Mirror of the Turbulent WorldGennady Gatilov Russia, China and the New World OrderM. Titarenko, V. Petrovsky Doomed PolicyK. Brutenz The 2015 General Elections in the UKE. Ananieva Shanghai Cooperation Organization Looking Toward EnlargementD. Litskay EDITOR-IN-CHIEF’S COLUMN The Soviet Union, United States and United Kingdom: A Step Away From Global […]
Letter From the EditorsVictory Day 2015: More Than the Usual Pomp Amid Not Quite the Usual Circumstances FEATURED NEWS STORIES Russia Marks 70th Anniversary of WWII Victory Chinese President Xi Jinping Visits Russia, CIS THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Chechnya Will Moscow Allow Polygamy in Chechnya?Bovt: Getting Chechnya to Fully Comply with Russian Laws More Difficult Than […]
THE WORLD is changing fast; it is changing by leaps and bounds which makes it next to impossible to explain what is going on and to foresee possible repercussions. An unsophisticated observer in the West and elsewhere in the world where Western propaganda is heard and believed might imagine that the forces of freedom and democracy are waging an uncompromising struggle against despotism and tyranny (in the widest sense of the terms).
Letter From the EditorsKnow Thy Enemy (and Thy Friend): Recovery, Détente and Protection in Russia and the CIS FEATURED NEWS STORIES Ukraine Grapples With Growing Economic Woes Is There Hope for Common Russian-U.S. Agenda? THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Politics Empty SeatsYunanov/Davydov: Victory Day Parade Intended to Showcase Russia’s Power, Independence The ‘President’ Agenda: How Putin Will […]
The author takes on China’s economic diplomacy, a key area of that country’s foreign policy in the 21st century that includes economic rewards and coercion.
Letter From the EditorsPutin Gets Personal; Ukraine Travels Back to the 1990s; and Deputy PM Dmitry Rogozin Breaks Up Hunger Strikes FEATURED NEWS STORIES Putin Hosts Annual Call-In Show High-Profile Murders Shake Up Kiev Russia Lifts Ban on S-300 Supplies to Iran THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Politics Russia’s Embezzlement Problem Is Out of ControlGolts: Russian Officials’ […]
ECONOMICS Public Goods and Public Interests: Is There a Connection?V. Tambovtsev HISTORY Russian Diplomacy in the Framework of the Crimean SystemV. Khevrolina Ancient Occidental Saints in the 20th-century Russian Orthodox Church CalendarI. Semenenko-Bassin PHILOLOGY Weeping and Laughter in the “History of Pechorin’s Soul”V. Vlashchenko PHILOSOPHY Intuition and the Quantum Approach to the Theory of ConsciousnessM. […]
Letter From the EditorsControversy, Intrigue, Skepticism in the Former Soviet Union FEATURED NEWS STORIES New Controversy, Tensions in Ukraine Iran Accepts Restrictions on Nuclear Program THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION State and Law Forty Days: Nemtsov Case Closed, but Questions Still OpenStanovaya: Investigative Intrigues Delaying Closure Of Nemtsov Murder Case Military Affairs Military Spending in Russia: Funding […]
THEORY AND METHODOLOGY The Evolution of Assessing Comprehensive National PowerYa. Berger POLITICS ROK President Park Geun-hye’s Eurasia InitiativeL. Zakharova, K. Asmolov A Missed OpportunityV. Shabalin China’s Economic Diplomacy in the 21st CenturyYa. Leksyutina ECONOMICS Economic Security and Cooperation in East Asia: Round Table at the RAS IFES THE STATE AND SOCIETY The PRC Political Regime’s […]
GEOPOLITICS AND SECURITY Strategic Defense Systems to Deter Armed Aggression O. Yu. Aksyonov, Yu.N. Tretyakov, Ye.N. Filin Prospects for International Cooperation in Missile Attack Warning System OperationV.A. Anikin, V.A. Saranchenkov, V.V. Tryokin Basic Conceptual Approaches to the U.S. and Russian Strategic ABM SystemsO.I. Antsupov, A.S. Zhikharev MILITARY ART Hybrid Operations: A New Type of WarfareV.A. […]