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Presidents of China, Russia agree to further bilateral ties in phone call.
GEOPOLITICS AND SECURITY Characteristic Features of Present-Day International Relations and Their Influence on Interstate CooperationS.N. Mazhuga, V.V. Tolstykh Modern Military Conflicts Amid the Formation of a New Geopolitical Landscape (FREE article)V.B. Zarudnitsky MILITARY ART Remote Mining of Terrain Using Small UAVsD.F. Yevmenenko, S.I. Melnik Developing Ways of Jointly Applying Forces and Assets to Disrupt Enemy Command and ControlD.V. Kholuyenko, V.A. Anokhin Methods […]
This article analyzes the current formation of the geopolitical landscape and its impact on the use of military force and nonviolent means to achieve the political and economic interests of global powers in interstate conflicts. Based on an analysis of recent scientific and technological advances, this study predicts probable developments in the nature and content of military conflicts in the near future.
“Regarding Nuclear Tests, I Can Say That If the US Resumes Them, It Will Get a Mirror Response From Our Side” S. Ryabkov WORLD ISSUES Illiberalism in International Relations (FREE content)A. Dugin The Neo-Global World: Past Baggage, Present Challenges, Future Prospects D. Yevstafyev Apocalypse of Our Time: Servants of the Devil Before the Court of […]
REALISTS believe that human nature is inherently flawed (the legacy of Hobbes’s anthropological pessimism and, on an even deeper level, the legacy of the Christian idea of the Fall, or lapsus in Latin) and cannot be fundamentally corrected, which means that selfishness, predation, and violence are impossible to eradicate. This leads to the conclusion that man (who, according to Hobbes, is a wolf to another man) can only be restrained and regulated by means of a strong state. The state is inevitable and is the bearer of supreme sovereignty. At the same time, the predatory and egoistic nature of man is projected onto the state; therefore, the nation-state has its own interests. These interests take into account only their own state, while the will to violence and greed mean war is always a possibility. Realists believe that this has always been and always will be.
Letter From the Editors (FREE content) FEATURED NEWS STORIES Trepova Sentenced in Blogger Bombing CaseFinal Statements Made on Terrorist Attack‘You Made Her Into a Walking Bomb’‘I Must Tell the World That Dasha Was Deceived’ Antiwar Voters Pin Hopes on NadezhdinThe Low Expectations of Boris NadezhdinCivic FamineProject Nadezhdin: Why There’s No Point in Participating in the […]
Current Digest of the Russian Press, Letter From the Editors, Volume 76, Number 4 (Jan. 22-28, 2024)
NG: Presidential election is designed to show that the leftist electorate is miniscule after government’s crackdown on political space.
POLITICS & CULTURE Politics Xi Jinping, Man of Culture Xi Extends Spring Festival Greetings to All Chinese Government Provincial-Level Governments Set Goals for 2024 Government Departments Reveal Priorities in 2024 Society When Hongbao Becomes Prohibitive Regions Winter Fervor Fuels Revitalization in NE China Hong Kong HKSAR Basic Law Consultation Launched HK Society Supports Article 23 […]
Gao Wencheng: The escalating political polarization in the US has given rise to a dystopian narrative, as portrayed in the upcoming film “Civil War,” in which 19 US states, led by Texas and California, secede from the country, and partisan extremist militias regularly commit political violence.