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GEOPOLITICS AND SECURITY Hybrid Dangers and Threats and Their Impact on Russia’s Military Security System A.V. Serzhantov, D.A. Pavlov Hybrid Warfare by the US and NATO Countries: Its Essence and Aims Kh.I. Saifetdinov Russia’s Military and Economic Security Amid Interstate Confrontation O.V. Rodionov, A.Ye. Nikolayev Strategic Deterrence as a Factor Ensuring Russia’s National Security V.A. […]
Wars that are a continuation of politics by states have practically always been waged according to special rules of warfare, by a specially trained state organization: the army. Analysis of the international situation that has evolved lately shows that the military conflicts occurring in the world are fundamentally different from the classical war type. New-type conflicts lack the uniformity of organized force traditionally represented by the state. Instead, they feature nonstate entities as initiators of organized action and the employment of nonmilitary methods of confrontation along with traditional military methods.
Letter From the Editors FEATURED NEWS STORIES State Duma to Consider New Anti-LGBT Bills Xi Wins Third Term at 20th CCP Congress State and Law Chronicles of State Capitalism: ‘Don’t Be Afraid to Walk Around Moscow.’Karasyuk: Denial Springs Eternal Among Officials as Citizens Report Illegal Conscription Practices Forced Labor, Property Seizures and Travel RestrictionsMeduza: Putin […]
Current Digest of the Russian Press, Letter From the Editors, Volume 74, Number 42 (Oct. 17-23, 2022)
Kurilla: Russians urgently need discussion on how regime reshaped their lives with Ukraine war
FEATURED NEWS STORIES Xi, Biden Hold Meeting at G20 Summit Xi Promotes Chinese Proposals at G20, APEC POLITICS & CULTURE Society Chinese Views on Having More Children Changing as World Population Hits Eight Billion Entertainment Domestic Blockbusters Add Vitality to Film Market Public Health China Pledges to Implement Optimized COVID-19 Response Measures Environment China’s Solid […]
China says governments should prohibit the use of AI technologies and relevant applications that run counter to laws, regulations, ethics and standards. They should also strengthen quality monitoring and evaluations on the use of AI products and services, and formulate emergency mechanisms and compensation measures.
WORLD ISSUES The Caspian: A Unique Region of Neighborliness S. Lavrov The Crisis of Civilization and the New World Order V. Yegorov, V. Shtol NATO’s Destabilizing Activities in the Arctic Yu. Belobrov The Oil and Gas Market “Under Siege” A. Baklanov Why the US Needs an American at the Head of the International Telecommunication Union […]
RUSSIAN-AMERICAN RELATIONS are going through what is probably their worst phase in the last 70 years. Diplomatic contacts are at a bare minimum. Dialogue on education, science, culture, sports, and humanitarian cooperation has been almost entirely cut off by the American side. Trade and economic ties have been fatally disrupted by a wave of sanctions. […]
Letter From the Editors FEATURED NEWS STORIES Russia Retaliates for Crimean Bridge Explosion Is Washington-Riyadh Spat a Boon for Moscow? THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION The Presidency New Presidential Term: Why Stepashin Announced Putin’s Nomination in 2024Experts: After 2024 Endorsement by Ally Stepashin, Next Term Still Putin’s Call to Make, Race to Lose The Economy Half of […]