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Letter From the Editors FEATURED NEWS STORIES Russia Pivots to Politics in Ukraine War (Read an article from this feature online for FREE) West Debates Ukraine War: Arrows or Olive Branch? THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Politics Why Technological Sovereignty Is Important for RussiaTech Development Rep: Technological Sovereignty a Top Priority for Russia in Light of Sanctions […]
Putin likens self to Peter the Great, says Russia’s main task is to “reclaim” lands
Current Digest of the Russian Press, Letter From the Editors, Volume 74, Number 23 (June 6-12, 2022)
FEATURED NEWS STORIES Chinese FM Meets With Lancang-Mekong Nations POLITICS & CULTURE Regions Pearl River Delta Transforms Into Technology Hub Hong Kong Hong Kong Palace Museum Opens Xinjiang Tourism Resurgence Tells of an Open Xinjiang US Xinjiang Legislation to Maintain Hegemony US Hatchet Men to Hype ‘Forced Labor’ Lies Culture Xi Stresses Preservation of Chinese […]
Xinhua: NATO should have called it quits and disbanded following the end of the Cold War. Instead, it chose to search for a bogeyman to justify its existence.
FEATURED NEWS STORIES Xi Visits HK to Celebrate Anniversary of Return China Takes Issue With G7, NATO (Read an article from this feature online for FREE) POLITICS & CULTURE Politics Xi Stresses Sci-Tech Innovation, COVID Control Institutional Strengths Empower China Self-Reform, CPC’s Key to Long-Term Governance Shanghai Congress Envisions a Socialist City Tibet New Roads, […]
Xinhua: NATO has formally invited Sweden and Finland to join the military alliance, a sign of how deeply “the product of the Cold War” indulges itself in ideological confrontation and bloc politics.
FEATURED NEWS STORIES BRICS Summit Focuses on Global Development 25 Years of ‘One Country, Two Systems’ in HK US Xinjiang Labor Law Goes Into Effect POLITICS & CULTURE Politics Xi Stresses Data Systems, Admin Management Grassroots Liaison in Lawmaking Proves Its Value Urbanization Futuristic ‘City Brain’ Can Foresee the Future Public Health Cities Recovering as […]
A Chinese envoy warned on Tuesday [June 21] that antagonism within the international community over the conflict in Ukraine is disrupting UN work.
Kazakh President Tokayev touts constitutional reforms, rooting out causes of winter unrest.