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FEATURED NEWS STORIES Hong Kong Holds Chief Executive Election China Reinforces COVID Policy POLITICS & CULTURE Government Safeguarding of Living Standards Further Improved Society China’s Youth Prepare for Future With Confidence Culture Young Talents Carry Forward Chinese Culture Entertainment Box Office Gets Holiday Boost Environment China Sets Up Highest Automatic Weather Station Safeguarding Source of […]
Xinhua: At a time when the international system with the UN at its core is facing severe challenges, all countries should keep in mind the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, bear in mind the larger interest of the international community, resolve differences through diplomacy and dialogue, and jointly promote global peace and development under the coordination of the UN.
FEATURED NEWS STORIES COVID Fight Continues as Shanghai Surge Abates (Read an article from this feature online for FREE) POLITICS & CULTURE Politics Xi Jinping – Man of the People Government Going Digital, Chinese Gov’t on the Move State & Law Progress in Improving Rule of Law China Improves Legal System in Past Decade Taiwan […]
Xinhua: China’s anti-epidemic experience has demonstrated that its “dynamic zero-COVID” policy is not only the best option but also the bottom line that must be maintained for the country’s current epidemic prevention and control work.
GEOPOLITICS AND SECURITY Military-Political Aspects of Cooperation Between Russia and Kazakhstan on Countering Terrorism and Other Transnational ThreatsV.I. Tokhmyakov, B.S. Abzhanov Ukraine-NATO: An Anti-Russia Project (Read this article online for FREE)V.P. Baranov “War” and “Armed Conflict”: Similarities and DifferencesA.I. Malyshev, Yu.F. Pivovarov, V.Yu. Khakhalev MILITARY ART The Increasing Importance of Preemptive Actions Against the AdversaryV.V. […]
Wars that are a continuation of politics by states have practically always been waged according to special rules of warfare, by a specially trained state organization: the army. Analysis of the international situation that has evolved lately shows that the military conflicts occurring in the world are fundamentally different from the classical war type. New-type conflicts lack the uniformity of organized force traditionally represented by the state. Instead, they feature nonstate entities as initiators of organized action and the employment of nonmilitary methods of confrontation along with traditional military methods.
Letter From the Editors FEATURED NEWS STORIES Ukraine War: External Players Take Center Stage THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Politics Navalny Urges West to Breach ‘Putin’s Propaganda’ Via Social MediaNavalny Calls On West, Tech Companies to Launch Social Media Campaign Against Russia Space Out Into Space to Discover EarthRoskosmos CEO Rogozin Discusses Effect of Sanctions on Russia’s […]
A new bill on external administration has been drafted in Russia, with the aim to resolve the problem of foreign companies suspending their operations in Russia.
Current Digest of the Russian Press, Letter From the Editors, Volume 74, Number 15 (April 11-17, 2022)
THE APPROACHING 75th anniversary of the end of World War II gave a new lease of life to the so-called “memory wars.” On September 19, 2019, the European Parliament passed a resolution “On the importance of European remembrance for the future of Europe”1 that, among other things, shifted the burden of equal responsibility for World War […]