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Letter From the Editors FEATURED NEWS STORIES Ukraine War Week Four: Room for Compromise? THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Politics ‘All Institutional Pieces Are in Place for the Military’s Foray Into Politics’ (read this article online for FREE)Gallyamov: ‘Palace Coup’ Can’t Be Ruled Out Once Ukraine Operation Disaster Sinks In Public Attitudes ‘In Time Sanctions Will Become […]
Gallyamov: ‘palace coup’ in Russia can’t be ruled out once Ukraine operation disaster sinks in
Current Digest of the Russian Press, Letter From the Editors, Volume 74, Number 12 (March 21-27, 2022)
FEATURED NEWS STORIES China Continues to Battle COVID Outbreaks (Read an article from this feature online for FREE) POLITICS & CULTURE Society Chinese Turn to Online ‘Tomb Sweeping’ Taiwan China Demands Cancellation of Pelosi’s Taiwan Trip Tibet Plateau Railway New Engine for Economic Growth Relics Show Bonds Between Plateau and Plains Environment China Makes Strides […]
Shanghai has entered the most arduous and critical stage of the fight against the pandemic, Wu Qianyu, a Shanghai Health Commission official, stated:
“We will stick to the ‘dynamic zero-COVID’ policy without hesitation and achieve the zero-COVID target as soon as possible,”
Renmin Ribao: As the starter and the biggest driving force of the Ukraine crisis, the US should have some moments of introspection on its dishonorable roles, completely abandon the Cold War mentality and hegemonic practices, and make some meaningful contributions to maintaining global and regional peacekeeping.
FEATURED NEWS STORIES China Blames the West for Ukraine Conflict (Read an article from this feature online for FREE) Shanghai, HK in Spotlight of Zero-COVID Policy POLITICS & CULTURE Regions Xiong’an New Area a Mirror of Future China Building China’s ‘City of Future’ Hong Kong China Urges UK to Stop Interfering in HK Taiwan ‘Democracy’ […]
FEATURED NEWS STORIES China Continues Criticism of West on Ukraine China Attempts to Balance COVID, Economy China’s Development Philosophy and Global Growth POLITICS & CULTURE Hong Kong HK Economic Growth Has Positive Momentum Environment Keeping Wandering Elephants Happy at Home China Safeguards Yangtze River Wetlands No Rain Check on Global Climate Action INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS & […]
Xinhua: Sanctions-addicted Washington is again slapping “penalties” on other countries, targeting Beijing recently with a repeatedly trumped-up charge of human rights violations.
Letter From the Editor FEATURED NEWS STORIES Special Operation in Ukraine: Week Three (read an article from this feature online for FREE) Ukraine-Russia Negotiations Continue THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION State and Law From Minimum to Maximum SecurityCase Against Navalny Goes to Judge; Prosecutor Requests Transfer to Maximum Security Facility ‘This Will Lead to Our Country’s Collapse’ […]