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China: “China once again calls on all parties concerned to remain calm, not to do anything to aggravate tensions or hype up the crisis, and to properly resolve their differences through consultations on an equal footing on the basis of mutual respect and fully taking into account each other’s legitimate security concerns,”
FEATURED NEWS STORIES Beijing 2022 Ready to Open China Readies for Spring Festival Celebration POLITICS & CULTURE Politics Democracies Should Be Judged by Their People (Read this article online for FREE) Government Fiscal Revenue Jumps 10.7% in 2021 China Balances Fiscal Revenue, Tax Cuts State & Law China Eyes Growth in Patents, Trademarks Taiwan China, […]
Xing Jiuqiang: The key criterion for whether a country is democratic is whether its people are truly the masters of their own fate.
Letter From the Editors FEATURED NEWS STORIES Russia Discusses Security Proposals with US, NATO (read an article from this feature online for FREE) Unrest in Kazakhstan Threatens National Collapse THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION The Government To Protect and SupportPutin Discusses Omicron, Pension Indexation, Gasification With Council of Ministers Human Rights Russia Has Started Issuing ‘Noncitizen Passports.’ […]
Kremlin declares talks ‘failure’ as proposals are rebuffed and US senate mulls sanctions; Ryabkov: ‘Russia has never given in to threats or blackmail’; ruble, Russian markets tumble
Current Digest of the Russian Press, Letter From the Editors, Volume 74, Number 1-2 (Jan. 1-16, 2022)
FEATURED NEWS STORIES Chinese Economic Growth Rebounds in 2021 China Promotes Multilateralism at Davos Forum POLITICS & CULTURE Politics Xi Stresses Strict Party Governance Self-Reform Safeguards CPC’s Journey Anti-Graft Drive Ensures Sound Governance Society Population Continues to Grow in 2021 Hong Kong Good Governance in HK Brooks No Interference Taiwan Keywords Mirror CPC’s Taiwan Policy […]
China’s Long March series carrier rockets, Kuaizhou series carrier rockets, as well as those developed by private space firms have made 55 launches and sent over 100 spacecraft into space in 2021.
FEATURED NEWS STORIES China Focuses on Middle East Diplomacy POLITICS & CULTURE Politics Xi Highlights CPC’s Historical Confidence CPC Will See Through Party Conduct Improvements Hong Kong How HK Democracy Is Constituted Xinjiang China Debunks Xinjiang-Related Lies Public Health Zero-COVID Approach Effective, Pragmatic Chinese Experts Urge Booster Shots Zero-COVID Approach Effective Against Omicron Sports Beijing […]
China vows to firmly support Kazakhstan in maintaining stability and stopping violence.