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Letter From the Editors FEATURED NEWS STORIES Are Moscow’s Security Proposals a Nonstarter? (Read an article from this feature online for FREE) Putin Gives 2021 Year-End Press Conference THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Regions Regional VerticalsState Duma Passes Public Governance Law Further Consolidating Federal Power North Caucasus Kremlin V. RussiaSokolov: Ruling in ‘Ingush Case’ Proof of Russia’s […]
Golts: Russian proposals are unacceptable to NATO, US, but contain some points that would improve European security overall; however, Moscow’s ultimatum stance shows it intends
to keep raising the stakes, threatening a war.
Current Digest of the Russian Press, Letter From the Editors, Volume 73, Number 51-52
FEATURED NEWS STORIES RCEP Trade Deal in Force for 2022 FM Visits Africa to Bolster Partnership POLITICS & CULTURE Politics A Toast to China’s Strides Over Past Year What China’s Journey to Rejuvenation Means China to Make Progress Along Trend of Times State & Law China Authorizes 700,000 Invention Patents in 2021 Regulation Set to […]
Sun Ding: The US has yet to truly face up to the issues plaguing its democracy
Letter From the Editors FEATURED NEWS STORIES Biden, Putin Meet Amid Mounting Tensions (Read an article from this feature online for FREE) Modi, Putin Strike Friendly Tone in New Delhi THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Human Rights Putin Sorts Through QR Codes and Foreign AgentsPutin Seeks Measured Tone on COVID QR Codes, Foreign Agents in Human Rights […]
Lipsky: All signs indicate U.S., Russia, Ukraine not ready to go to war, but the situation is so volatile, any spark could set off fighting
Current Digest of the Russian Press, Letter From the Editors, Volume 73, Number 50
Letter From the Editors FEATURED NEWS STORIES Are Russia and Ukraine Really on the Brink of War? Russia, NATO Redraw Cold War Red Lines (Read an article from this feature online for FREE) THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Politics Team Navalny Uncovers Russia’s ‘Most Classified People’Meduza: Navalny Team Exposes Secret Real Estate Assets of Prominent Officials The […]
Putin demands that NATO give assurances of no further eastward expansion; Laru: the initiative to join NATO is the prerogative of aspiring states, so giving such a guarantee would require amending the bloc’s charter