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Letter From the Editors FEATURED NEWS STORIES Xi, Biden Hold First Virtual Summit Shifts Visible in Belarus-EU Standoff? Dozens Killed in Armenia-Azerbaijan Border Clashes THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Politics Trust Fall: The Kremlin Plans to Reboot Russia’s Mass Vaccination Campaign, But Worries Putin’s Ratings Will FallKremlin Steps Up Vaccination Campaign as COVID Cases Surge Within Reasonable […]
Felgengauer: US, NATO naval presence in Black Sea is mere posturing amid Russia-Ukraine tensions
Current Digest of the Russian Press, Letter From the Editors, Volume 73, Number 47
WORLD ISSUES Russia, the World’s New Breadbasket, Has a Special MissionV. Rakhmanin Transport Corridors: Geopolitical AspectsV. Yegorov, V. Shtol Promoting the Greater Eurasian Partnership Initiative: Convergence of the Interests of States, Businesses, and International InstitutionsK. Barsky, S. Krasilnikov, S. Mikhnevich Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications and the Freedom of Movement for Workers in the EU […]
ON DECEMBER 8, 1991, the heads of three Union republics – Boris Yeltsin (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic), Leonid Kravchuk (Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic), and Stanislav Shushkevich (Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic) – signed the Belavezha Accords, dissolving the Soviet Union.1 That document was unprecedented in terms of international practice and its socioeconomic consequences for the once […]
RUSSIAN FAR EAST State Strategy for the Accelerated Development of the Electric Power Industry in the Soviet Far East (1964-1991): Historical ExperienceA. Maklyukov VIEWPOINT Thoughts on How China and Russia Can Work Together to Prevent “Color Revolutions” (Read this article online for FREE)Wang Chensheng, Jiang Hongfei Reliability of the Narrative in the Memoirs of Eduard […]
This article notes that Washington and Tokyo intend to continue hindering Taiwan’s reunification with Mainland China, which would greatly strengthen Beijing’s position in the Pacific Ocean. Under the administration of President Donald Trump, the United States notably stepped up its support for Taiwan, in both expanding its official ties with Taipei and supplying it with American arms.
FEATURED NEWS STORIES FOCAC Sets Tone for China-Africa Cooperation China-Laos Railway Opens China, US Clash Over Democracy (Read an article from this feature online for FREE) POLITICS & CULTURE Politics CPC Steers China in Tackling Global Challenges Xi Stresses Developing Religions in Chinese Context Taiwan Abe’s Miscalculation on Taiwan US Mixed Messages on Taiwan Threat […]
Dong Yue: “Washington should wake up from its hegemonic delusion. Hegemony in the guise of democracy is poisonous for America, and destructive for the world. If the world’s sole superpower really wants to promote democracy, the best contribution it can make at the moment is to look inward, and fix its chaotic and dysfunctional democracy at home.”
FOCUS ON RUSSIA Civilizational Features of Russia’s Development in the Context of Modern Social TransformationsV. Pantin Institutional Trust as Social Capital in Modern Russia (Based on Survey Results)Yu. Latov ESSAYS Post-Soviet De Facto States: Trajectories of Their Struggle for SovereigntyS. Markedonov Thirty Years of Reforms: The Experience of Petrostates in the Post-Soviet SpaceS. Zhavoronkov, V. […]