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This article analyzes some aspects of civilizationism as a trend in the self-positioning strategies of several Asian states, notably China and India, as well as some other countries. Close attention is paid to the concept of the civilization state (CS), as distinct from the nation state (NS), where the former reveals the specific characteristics of the major non-Western states.
FEATURED NEWS STORIES China, ASEAN Form Strategic Partnership FOCAC Meeting to Advance China-Africa Relations POLITICS & CULTURE Politics CPC to Keep Contributing to Human Civilization Chinese Path Possible for Developing Countries Chinese-Style Democracy: How China Does It (Read this article online for FREE) Government China to Improve Use of Local Government Bonds State & Law […]
Boreham: “China’s form of democracy today is based on ongoing changes and tweaking since the 1980s, and it will continue to evolve at a speed that is right for China. There’s an old Chinese proverb basically translates as “cross a river by feeling the stones.” This is a great way to describe China’s approach to democratization as it continues to expand and grow.”
FEATURED NEWS STORIES Xi, Biden Hold Virtual Summit (read an article from this feature online for FREE) CPC Reflects on Historical Resolution POLITICS & CULTURE Politics CPC Initiates Election Process for National Congress Regions Macao Chief Executive Delivers Policy Address Hong Kong HK Opposes Economic and Security Report Taiwan Lithuania Will Shoot Itself in the […]
Xinhua: Chinese President Xi Jinping had a virtual meeting with US President Joe Biden on Tuesday [Nov. 16]. The two sides had thorough and in-depth communication and exchanges on issues of strategic, overarching and fundamental importance shaping the development of China-US relations and on important issues of mutual interest.
Letter From the Editors FEATURED NEWS STORIES Turkish Drone Escalates Donetsk Basin Tensions Moscow, Minsk Sign Union State Decree THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION State and Law Federal Center to Take Control of Regional CapitalsKlishas, Krasheninnikov Introduce Bill Restricting Powers of Russia’s Constituent Entities Military Affairs Nonstop Military Production LineGolts: Putin Mulls Command Economy to Repurpose Out-of-Control […]
In the midst of the lockdown, Russian Federation Constitutional Court Chairman Valery Zorkin and Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev published policy papers with differing takes on whether human rights can be restricted to combat the coronavirus.
Current Digest of the Russian Press, Letter From the Editors, Volume 73, Number 44-45
GEOPOLITICS AND SECURITY Proceedings of the Ninth Moscow Conference on International Security International Obligations with Respect to Nuclear Arms LimitationA.A. Novikov, S.A. Medvedkov MILITARY ART Use of Airborne Assault Subunits in Modern Military ConflictsS.N. Volyk, M.P. Berendeyev, I.A. Sukorev Factors in Achieving Victory in Future Military ConflictsV.B. Zarudnitsky Supremacy at Sea: Win and HoldI.Ya. Petrenko, […]
Wars that are a continuation of politics by states have practically always been waged according to special rules of warfare, by a specially trained state organization: the army. Analysis of the international situation that has evolved lately shows that the military conflicts occurring in the world are fundamentally different from the classical war type. New-type conflicts lack the uniformity of organized force traditionally represented by the state. Instead, they feature nonstate entities as initiators of organized action and the employment of nonmilitary methods of confrontation along with traditional military methods.