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FEATURED NEWS STORIES Two Sessions Concludes as Xi Enters Third Term Reaction to China-Brokered Saudi/Iran Deal China Proposes Global Civilization Initiative POLITICS & CULTURE Hong Kong HKSAR Rejects US Senate Resolution Entertainment Flourishing Sci-Fi Industry Shows Potential Urbanization China’s Urbanization Ushers in New Stage Environment China Pursues of Harmony With Nature INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS & SECURITY […]
Guo: “Washington, by prolonging the conflict, can weaken Russia and force Europe to further rely on the US in security matters so that it can consolidate its hegemony.”
FEATURED NEWS STORIES Xi Secures Third Term at Two Sessions (read an article from this feature online for FREE) China Targets Development to Meet Growth Targets POLITICS & CULTURE Government State Council Reform Crucial to Modernization State & Law Judiciary Pledges to Serve Chinese Modernization Hong Kong China Urges West to Stop Defaming HK Judiciary […]
Ang Teck Sin: “The Chinese model basically changed the traditional perception of democracy. It’s a system the world can draw from.”
FEATURED NEWS STORIES Two Sessions Open in Beijing China Outlines Position on Ukraine (Read an article from this feature online for FREE) POLITICS & CULTURE Politics CPC Central Committee Issues Communique Xi Calls on Party Schools to Stay Committed Party Schools Strengthen Marxist Party of Learning Xi’s Economic Thought Steers China to Modernity Hong Kong […]
On Feb. 24, China issued a document on its position on the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis, reiterating its persistent stand and listening to other countries’ legitimate concerns.
FEATURED NEWS STORIES Ukraine War Hits First Anniversary (read an article from this feature online for FREE) POLITICS & CULTURE Politics Xi Stresses Sci-Tech Self-Reliance Deputies to 14th NPC Broadly Representative Whole-Process People’s Democracy Works Well Society Migration From North to South Not Just for the Birds Lies Highlight Need to Combat Online Rumors Regions […]
Xinhua: Today, Ukrainians and Russians still grieve their beloved ones killed on the frontlines. When the conflict is piling misery on people worldwide suffering from acute food and energy crises, the West continues to fan the flames by sending more military hardware and intelligence to Ukraine.
POLITICS & CULTURE Government Local ‘Two Sessions’ Convened Across China Entertainment The Wandering Earth II’s Appeal Is Not Ideology Education Digital Transformation Driving Education Progress Campus Liveliness Resumes for Spring Semester Development & Reform China’s Unswerving Pursuit of Common Prosperity Public Health Anti-Epidemic Miracle Highlights CPC Governance Health Insurance Reform to Benefit Outpatient Users Human […]
Living up to the epithet of “surveillance empire,” the United State has, for decades, conducted indiscriminate mass surveillance of foreign governments, companies and individuals as well as its own citizens.