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FEATURED NEWS STORIES Chinese FM Attends SCO Meeting Global Firms Access China Via Economic Expos POLITICS & CULTURE Politics Xi Stresses Socialism With Chinese Characteristics Chinese Leadership Analyzes Economic Situation Chinese Leadership Solicits Advice on Economy CPC Seeks National Rejuvenation Xi Stresses Unity of Chinese at Home, Abroad Regions Coordinated Development Energizes Port City Taiwan […]
China’s deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, Geng Shuang, on Friday [July 29] called on the international community to build a balanced global and regional security architecture, while saying China will protect its own sovereignty at all costs.
FEATURED NEWS STORIES China Challenges US Xinjiang Sanctions POLITICS & CULTURE Politics Ethnic Unity Propels China to Promising Future State & Law Prosecutors Safeguard High-Quality Development Regions Zhoushan Islands Lead Way to an Inspired Future Taiwan China Urges US to Stop Arms Sales to Taiwan Tibet Residents Relocated for Better Life Xinjiang Xinjiang Pools Talent […]
Xinhua: China on Tuesday [July 19] urged the US to immediately stop arms sales to Taiwan and faithfully implement its statement of not supporting “Taiwan independence.”
FEATURED NEWS STORIES Chinese FM Continues SE Asian Trip POLITICS & CULTURE Government China to Take Steps for Employment Stability Hong Kong Hanscom Smith Should Stop Grandstanding Show Taiwan One-China Principle an Anchor of Stability Xi Encourages National Rejuvenation Tibet Tibetan Names Inscribe Changes, Development Xinjiang Xi Stresses Implementing Part Policies on Xinjiang Education Educational […]
Xinhua: Despite facing mounting downward pressure from a lingering COVID-19 pandemic, a stormy world economy and other stiff challenges, the Chinese economy in the second quarter has still managed to secure positive growth.
FEATURED NEWS STORIES Chinese FM Meets With Lancang-Mekong Nations POLITICS & CULTURE Regions Pearl River Delta Transforms Into Technology Hub Hong Kong Hong Kong Palace Museum Opens Xinjiang Tourism Resurgence Tells of an Open Xinjiang US Xinjiang Legislation to Maintain Hegemony US Hatchet Men to Hype ‘Forced Labor’ Lies Culture Xi Stresses Preservation of Chinese […]
Xinhua: NATO should have called it quits and disbanded following the end of the Cold War. Instead, it chose to search for a bogeyman to justify its existence.
FEATURED NEWS STORIES Xi Visits HK to Celebrate Anniversary of Return China Takes Issue With G7, NATO (Read an article from this feature online for FREE) POLITICS & CULTURE Politics Xi Stresses Sci-Tech Innovation, COVID Control Institutional Strengths Empower China Self-Reform, CPC’s Key to Long-Term Governance Shanghai Congress Envisions a Socialist City Tibet New Roads, […]
Xinhua: NATO has formally invited Sweden and Finland to join the military alliance, a sign of how deeply “the product of the Cold War” indulges itself in ideological confrontation and bloc politics.