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Xinhua: With the last US military planes departing before midnight Monday [Aug. 30], America’s chaotic and bloody flight from Afghanistan has finally come to an end, leaving behind untold atrocities and suffering in this war-torn country.
FEATURED NEWS STORIES China Disputes US COVID Origin Report China Blames US for Afghanistan Chaos POLITICS & CULTURE Politics A Right View on China’s Common Prosperity CPC Releases Key Publication on Its Mission Xi Stresses Party’s Work on Ethnic Affairs Hong Kong Delegation Introduces Five-Year Plan Opportunities HK Unveils List of Valid Candidates, Nominees Public […]
Xinhua: For a long time, the US alliance system has adhered to the Cold War mentality, and has been obsessed with zero-sum games. It trampled on justice for self-interest, provoked conflicts and wars, imposed unilateral sanctions, and reaped world dividends, posing serious threats to and undermining the international system with the United Nations as the core and the international order based on international law.
FEATURED NEWS STORIES China Calls for Smooth Transition in Afghanistan Expo Furthers China-Arab Cooperation POLITICS & CULTURE Government China Makes Adjustments to Maintain Economy State & Law China Ramps Up Cybersecurity Regulations (Read this article online for FREE) New Legislation Improves Public Legal Services China Adopts Law to Protect Personal Information Taiwan China Urges US […]
Xinhua: China announces that key IT infrastructure projects will come under the country’s special protection.
FEATURED NEWS STORIES China Attempts Balanced COVID Control China Criticizes US COVID Response The Role of Multinationals in Poverty Alleviation POLITICS & CULTURE Politics CPC to Exercise Rigorous Self-Governance Getting Off to a Good Start Government A Blueprint for Rule of Law Government Regions Pudong New Area to Boost Innovation Pudong Sets a High Standard […]
Xinhua: A more complex and challenging humanitarian catastrophe is shaping up in Afghanistan after the US started hastily withdrawing its troops from the country, leading to an immediate conflict escalation and a rapid deterioration of security.
FEATURED NEWS STORIES China Fights Delta Variant Outbreak China Spars With US Over COVID Response POLITICS & CULTURE Politics What Does CPC Stand For in Eyes of World? Regions Macao Affairs Brook No Foreign Interference Hong Kong National Security Law Shall Never Be Played With Verdict in HK Offender’s Trial Shows Rule of Law Who […]
China urges the international community to carry forward the Afghan peace process by preventing all-out war, advancing peace and reconciliation, and fighting terrorism.
FEATURED NEWS STORIES China Spars With US, WHO on COVID Origin POLITICS & CULTURE Politics Xi Chairs Meeting to Study Economic Work Government China to Improve Budget for Research Funding Regions Lingang Special Area Makes Strong Gains Only Patriots Must Govern Macao Hong Kong HK Stronger Financial Hub With Security Law Education Bureau Terminates Relationship […]