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Xinhua: China creates national administration of disease prevention and control, with five major functions including formulating policies for the prevention and control of infectious diseases
FEATURED NEWS STORIES Consumption Strong Over May Day Holiday WHO Approves Sinopharm Vaccine Hainan Expo Furthers Opening of Chinese Market POLITICS & CULTURE Politics Chinese Youth a Critical Source of Strength Hong Kong HK Economy Rebounds in Q1 Tibet Tibet Moving to Full Preschool Education Xinjiang China Will Not Accept External Destabilization History Overseas Footprints […]
Xinhua: The world has entered a period full of turbulent changes in the last six years, while China-Russia relations have become even more mature, stable and resilient under the joint guidance of the two heads of state.
Yin: Guided by Xi’s thought on ecological progress, China has applied a new vision for development and made solid steps in promoting green, low-carbon and sustainable development.
POLITICS & CULTURE Politics Xi Stresses Development in Border Ethnic Regions Hard Work a Key Reason for China’s Success State & Law China Streamlines IPR-Related Administration China Pushes Development of IPR Protection Society China Expects May Day Travel Boom Hong Kong LegCo President Confident in Efficient Legislature Xinjiang Reckoning of Justice Awaits Slanderer Adrian Zenz […]
China has enhanced efforts to ensure data security in facial recognition as the technology has raised increasing concerns over users’ privacy.
FEATURED NEWS STORIES China Commits to Climate Action on Earth Day Boao Forum Boosts Asian Development POLITICS & CULTURE Politics CPC’s Governance Has a Solid Foundation State & Law China Strengthens Facial Recognition Data Protection (Read article for FREE online) China Strengthens IPR Protection Hong Kong China’s Judgment Tolerates No Foreign Interference Tibet Tibet Opens […]
FEATURED NEWS STORIES Japan to Dump Fukushima Wastewater POLITICS & CULTURE Government China to Improve Market Entity Registration Hong Kong HK Legislature Deliberates Electoral System Bill HK Embraces National Security Education Day Taiwan China Opposes New Rules for US Taiwan Contact Xinjiang Beijing Goes All Out to Improve Education Culture Rice Terraces Wed Tradition and […]
Meng: If China-US relations are to be regarded as the Olympic Games, with bilateral trade as the main event, the race doesn’t need to be so ugly.
Xinhua: To achieve the final victory in this global fight, all countries need to take real actions to ensure fairness and equality, rather than just make empty talks and hollow promises.