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STATE AND SOCIETY Politics and Mysticism in the Contemporary Republic of Korea: The Lee Jae-myung IncidentN. Chesnokova POLITICS NATO’s Pivot to the East: Motivations and ChallengesV. Kistanov Russian-North Korean Relations in 2023 (FREE content)I. Dyachkov Non-Governmental Organizations in Contemporary China: Political and Legal AspectsP. Troshchinsky ECONOMICS Russian-Mongolian Border: Updating Checkpoints and Strengthening Infrastructure ConnectivityV. Namzhilova […]
The year 2023 has seen a noticeable intensification of Russian-North Korean interaction, confirmed by the active exchange of mutual visits. In summer 2023, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu visited Pyongyang; in September, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un arrived in Vladivostok and met with Russian President Vladimir Putin; and in October, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov went to the DPRK.
POLITICS China’s Official Stance on the Nature of Its Relations With Russia During the Special Military Operation (SMO) (FREE content!)S. Goncharov ECONOMICS The Taxonomy of China’s Green EconomyS. Savinsky Japan’s Energy Policy: Current Challenges and ProblemsK. Korneyev Prospects for Russian Gas in ChinaD. Kondratov The Asian Space Race: New Priorities for the Industrial Development of […]
Amid unfolding events related to the Ukraine crisis, the focus on various aspects of China’s policies has sharpened considerably. This paper aims to analyze core aspects of the Chinese leadership’s strategy using a dependable source base spanning from December 2021 through March 2023.
STATE AND SOCIETY The Size and Location of the Chinese Diaspora (1949 to the Present)A. Afonasyeva China’s Social Credit SystemL. Afonina POLITICS South Korea’s Indo-Pacific Strategy (FREE content!)Kim Yen Un, V. Samsonova China as a Focus of Japan’s Security StrategyV. Kistanov Restructured Multilateralism and Inclusive Development of the SCOLiang Zhenpeng, A. Kozinets On the Path Toward a New Formula […]
The US Indo-Pacific Strategy, whose main principles were formulated in the US National Security Strategy released in December 2017, is aimed at preserving a unipolar structure of the world in an era of global changes that undermine US claims to world dominance.
POLITICS Russia’s Relations With the Korean Peninsula States in the New Reality I. Dyachkov The Nationality Factor in Chinese-Mongolian Relations R. Tarantul Chinese Policy in Latin America: Lessons and Risks for Spain M. Pupysheva, M. Navdayeva ECONOMICS The Expediency of Creating a Supranational Currency Within the SCO and BRICS Under the Impact of Trade and […]
This paper examines the content and driving forces of the “Made in China 2025” plan adopted by China’s State Council in 2015, discusses the key goals of the plan and the main factors influencing its implementation, and elucidates the areas and stages of development of the industrial technology base.
ROUNDTABLE “The 20th Congress of the CPC” POLITICS “Escaping the Historical Cycle” and the Construction of a New Ideology at the 20th CPC CongressS. Goncharov Taiwan and Japan’s Security: An Anatomy of Japanese Approaches to the Taiwan IssueV. Kistanov ECONOMICS Japan’s Energy, Sanctions, and Sakhalin Projects: Interconnection IssuesA. Belov Development of Eco-Industrial Parks in ChinaS. Titov MILITARY DEVELOPMENT Military-Civilian […]
Military-civilian integration has been a consistent national strategy in China in recent years. The combining of military and civilian resources is aimed primarily at creating an effective system of innovation in science, technology, and manufacturing.