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THE 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE UNITED NATIONS Making the World Stable and SafeSergey Lavrov The UN: No Place for Jokes?G. Gatilov, V. Kikilo The Global CooperativeA. Gorelik Can We Restore the Harmony of Victorious 1945?A. Orlov Proposed Reforms of the UN Security CouncilD. Kikou WORLD ISSUES Russia and Europe: What Next?Alexey Meshkov Relations Between Russia […]
GOLDEN COLLECTION The New Global Development AgendaHelen Clark WORLD ISSUES The Last Geopolitical Game: The U.S. Begins and Loses (Read this article online for FREE)S. Glazyev The Deglobalization of the World SystemL. Klepatsky The Greek Crisis: Who Is to Blame? What Is to Be Done?N. Platoshkin Evolution of the U.S. Position on China’s Role in […]
CONTRARY TO THE PREDICTIONS made by Washington advocates, the disintegration of the USSR and the world socialist system did not lead to the end of history. Neither socialism nor the crisis of capitalism has disappeared.
Armen Oganesyan, Editor-in-Chief of International Affairs: Sergey Alekseyevich, over the past several months, the pace of international life has become extremely intense and evidently fast. What would you single out as the most important thing amid this mass of events? S. Ryabkov: The pace has certainly accelerated. I have no doubts about that. The most […]
VICTORY The Great Victory as a Source of Our National PrideSergey Lavrov World War II in the West and the EastE. Titorenko The Victory and the Fate of the WorldA. Frolov The Great Patriotic War: The Cossacks’ Final AttackI. Bondarenko “Historians Should Celebrate and Grieve Together With Their People”A. Kirilin AlliesA. Davydenko American Soldiers on […]
WORLD ISSUES The UN as a Mirror of the Turbulent WorldGennady Gatilov Russia, China and the New World OrderM. Titarenko, V. Petrovsky Doomed PolicyK. Brutenz The 2015 General Elections in the UKE. Ananieva Shanghai Cooperation Organization Looking Toward EnlargementD. Litskay EDITOR-IN-CHIEF’S COLUMN The Soviet Union, United States and United Kingdom: A Step Away From Global […]
THE WORLD is changing fast; it is changing by leaps and bounds which makes it next to impossible to explain what is going on and to foresee possible repercussions. An unsophisticated observer in the West and elsewhere in the world where Western propaganda is heard and believed might imagine that the forces of freedom and democracy are waging an uncompromising struggle against despotism and tyranny (in the widest sense of the terms).
“We Stand for Truth and Justice; They Are the Only Foundation on Which the Emerging Multipolar World Order Can Be Built”Sergey Lavrov “All the Events in Ukraine Are Passing Through Our Hearts and Our Souls”Alexey Meshkov WORLD ISSUES Germany’s Ostpolitik: Controversial EvolutionV. Vasiliev Consolidation of the Non-Western World During the Ukrainian Crisis (Read this article […]
THE IMPACT of the Ukrainian crisis on the structure of international relations as well as accelerated Russia’s turn toward Asia as one of its widely discussed consequences can be hardly overestimated. Reorientation, very much within the concept of the multipolar world, began long before the crisis…
WORLD ISSUES Reconsidering the Greater Europe Concept in the Context of the Ukrainian CrisisA. Kuznetsov The Possibility of Military-Political Conflicts in the FSU (Read this article online for FREE)D. Tsybakov A “Gas Window on Europe”: Nord Stream in the Context of Russia-EU Energy CooperationI. Ivannikov Eurasian Integration: Political DeterminantsA. Koshel The American Trans-Pacific Partnership Project […]