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THE geopolitical shifts and transformations that have taken place in the world in recent decades have affected many problems related to protecting national interests and ensuring national security. For many eras, armed power has been considered the key tool in implementing state interests. Under today’s conditions, however, along with military force, other forms, methods, and means are playing an increasingly important role.
“Regarding Nuclear Tests, I Can Say That If the US Resumes Them, It Will Get a Mirror Response From Our Side” S. Ryabkov WORLD ISSUES Illiberalism in International Relations (FREE content)A. Dugin The Neo-Global World: Past Baggage, Present Challenges, Future Prospects D. Yevstafyev Apocalypse of Our Time: Servants of the Devil Before the Court of […]
REALISTS believe that human nature is inherently flawed (the legacy of Hobbes’s anthropological pessimism and, on an even deeper level, the legacy of the Christian idea of the Fall, or lapsus in Latin) and cannot be fundamentally corrected, which means that selfishness, predation, and violence are impossible to eradicate. This leads to the conclusion that man (who, according to Hobbes, is a wolf to another man) can only be restrained and regulated by means of a strong state. The state is inevitable and is the bearer of supreme sovereignty. At the same time, the predatory and egoistic nature of man is projected onto the state; therefore, the nation-state has its own interests. These interests take into account only their own state, while the will to violence and greed mean war is always a possibility. Realists believe that this has always been and always will be.
Russia and Brazil: A Friendship That Has Stood the Test of Time S. Lavrov WORLD ISSUES BRICS as a Symbol of the New World A. Davydenko The Fate of the State in a Changing World (FREE content!)V. Yegorov Evolution of the World Order and Russia’s Ideas About the Outside World A. Bogaturov, O. Lebedeva Apocalypse […]
THE main phenomenon of the social mainstream is the institution of the state and its evolution (“shrinking”), associated with the increased activity of civil society and a reevaluation of the role of the market.
“The West Wants to Eliminate Our Country as a Significant Geopolitical Competitor” S. Lavrov VIEWPOINT Incivility in Diplomacy as a Reflection of the Crisis in Foreign Policy Culture V. Chumakov WORLD ISSUES Emerging Contours of a New, Just World (FREE content!)B. Gryzlov, P. Frolov, V. Vanke Strategies Race Between Russia and the West: An Adaptability […]
THIRTY-TWO years ago, an event took place that American political scientist Francis Fukuyama claimed marked the “end of history.” It was argued that the disappearance of the Soviet Union from the world political scene and the end of the Soviet socialist project meant that there was no socioeconomic alternative to a liberal capitalist world order – a system that puts the individual above society and private business above national interests and gives overconsumption priority over progress.
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF INTERVIEWS There Is No Common Denominator in Russian-American Relations (FREE content!)S. Ryabkov Russia and China Need a Good and Diversified Relationship A. Denisov WORLD ISSUES Western-Proposed Rules That Would Bypass the UN and Other Universal Bodies Threaten Chaos in Cyberspace A. Smirnov, V. Bulva Proactive Digital Diplomacy in Contemporary International Relations M. Bazlutskaya Shared […]
The Concept confirms our choice in favor of an independent development path. It stresses Russia’s role in maintaining the balance of power in international affairs, as well as its status as a unique nation and civilization and a vast Eurasian and Euro-Pacific power.
International Affairs Vol. 69, No. 3, 2023 WORLD ISSUES Nonpolarity: An Intermediate Stage on the Road to Multipolarity? A. Dmitrichenko Priorities of Modern Russian Diplomacy: Between the UN and a “Rules-Based Order” O. Lebedeva Russia Will Lead the Fight for a Just International Economic Order A. Baklanov Missiles as an International Security Problem: A Mad […]