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The authors offer a comparative analysis of the approaches taken in Russia (U.S.S.R.) and the United States to the deployment of their strategic antiballistic missile defense systems, and survey the major stages of ABM system development. They show the influence the U.S. military doctrine has exercised on the formation of the country’s ABM defense and its intention to take advantage of the new world order to use its ABM system for a different purpose instead – delivering a first nuclear missile strike with impunity.
GEOPOLITICS AND SECURITY Strategic Deterrence Against the U.S. Global ABM System and Prompt Global Strike CapabilitiesA.L. Khryapin, D.A. Kalinkin, V.V. Matvichuk Political and Military Aspects of the Russian Federation’s State Policy on International Information SecurityI.N. Dylevsky, V.P. Elyas, S.A. Komov, A.N. Petrunin, V.O. Zapivakhin Military Security of the Russian Federation: How It Can Be Maintained […]
The authors take new approaches to available options for Russia to maintain its military security by, in particular, using “soft power” and improving its strategic deterrence system.