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Letter From the EditorsYou Can’t Play a Game on an Empty Field: Putin’s Domestic and Foreign Quandaries FEATURED NEWS STORIES Moscow’s Role in Syria Rocks Balance of Forces Is Kremlin Losing Control Over the Regions? THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Politics Lawful PoliticsPresidential Working Group Seeks to Clarify ‘Political Activity’ The Economy Gazprom Is No Longer a […]
The author analyzes the lobbyism of U.S. interests in China and the counterlobbyism of Chinese interests in the U.S. in its executive and legislative bodies. Special attention is paid to the reciprocal coordination of these interests and mechanisms with whose help the Chinese authorities are trying to influence the adoption of political decisions in the U.S. Congress and presidential administration. Concrete examples of the interaction between American and Chinese lobbyists are cited.
Letter From the EditorsDrawing Lines in the Sand: Why Geopolitics is Hardly a Walk on the Beach FEATURED NEWS STORIES Kadyrov Affirms His Remarks About Opposition THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Politics 2016: The System’s Stress TestPetrov: Russia’s Increasingly Nebulous Political System Entering Uncertain Election Cycle The Economy Sergei Aleksashenko: Political Reforms Necessary to Save the EconomyAleksashenko: […]
RUSSIAN WORLD Rossotrudnichestvo Turns 90L. Glebova Fifth World Congress of Compatriots Living AbroadK. Klimovsky “The Russian World Means a State of Heart and Mind” (Read this article online for FREE)S. Filatov WORLD ISSUES The Great Geopolitical Revolution: Results So FarK. Brutents U.S. Policy in a Changing WorldA. Kortunov, A. Frolov Transatlantic Partnership Plan: Germany’s PositionB. […]
TURBULENT DEVELOPMENTS in the middle of the second decade of the 21st century have demonstrated a phenomenon that is very significant for Russia and that one would have been somewhat embarrassed to write or talk about in the past but can and should today because the times have changed. Namely, these developments make it clear […]
ECONOMICS Independent Economic Think Tanks in Russia: Evolution and Development ProspectsA. Yakovlev, L. Freynkman, A. Zolotov HISTORY The Interallied War in Summer 1913 as Seen by the Russian Public (Based on Russian press publications of the time)B. Kotov PHILOLOGY How Gogol’s Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends Reached the ReaderI. Monakhova PHILOSOPHY Locke’s RazorA. Yakovlev […]
GEOPOLITICS AND SECURITY Collapse of Enduring Freedom: Security in the SCO Area A.F. Klimenko How to Fight the Ideology of Extremism V.V. Plotnikov Military Security of the Russian Federation: How to Ensure It under Present Conditions V.I. Lutovinov, Yu.N. Khmara MILITARY ART Airborne (Airmobile) Forces in Modern Warfare V.A. Kiselyov, I.N. Vorobyov Army Aviation Helicopters […]
In July 2007, in coordination with an infrastructure construction project, the Datong Municipal Institute of Archaeology conducted rescue excavations on 31 tombs of the Liao and Jin dynasties at Xihuan Road in Datong City. The cemetery is located in the southwest area of the Ming dynasty Datong City site.
THEORY AND METHODOLOGY Evolution and Peculiarities of China’s Foreign Relations in East AsiaV. Portyakov POLITICS Northeast Asia in China’s Current Foreign Policy StrategyA. Voloshina Chinese Lobbyism in the U.S.A.D. Grafov China, U.S.A., and Russia Between Cooperation and RivalryA. Davydov The PRC and Europe: Multilateral Cooperation StructureA. Vinogradov China’s Changing Sentiments Toward Iraqi Kurdistan N. Mossaki […]
The author discusses security on the landmass taken up by the member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and closely scrutinizes Islamic fundamentalism dressing up in our times as the Islamic State (of Iraq and Levant, or Syria, to give the full unabbreviated name of ISIS), the Taliban, or whatever names its proponents choose to call it – that is raising its head in Afghanistan after the failure of Operation Enduring Freedom and withdrawal of the Western coalition’s main forces from that country, and sheds light on the U.S.’s ill-fated role in the erosion of stability in the region. The author also argues for the need to strengthen the SCO’s military arm to keep its enormous expanses secure and stable, and offers his recommendations on enhancing the Organization’s power and capabilities to give its members a sense of protection and security.