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FOCUS ON RUSSIA Variability and Dynamics of Russian Patriotic Attitudes Amid the Special Military Operation I. Kuznetsov Trends in Russians’ Perceptions of Various Aspects of Life: From Assessments to Demand for Social PolicyP. Sushko Russian Citizens’ Views of the Future of Their Country: Key Concepts and Psychological LensE. Shestopal ESSAYS Russia and the West (FREE […]
This article offers a historical review of relations between Russia and the West as a series of civilizational projects beginning with the invitation of the Varangians and the Christianization of Rus to the present time. The author identifies watershed moments in Russia’s civilizational choices, stressing the role of the religious factor, as well as analyzing the relations between Russian culture and the Western Enlightenment.
FOCUS ON RUSSIA Modern Russia in the Collective Consciousness of Its ResidentsL. Belyaeva The Contradictory Role of the State and the Agency of the Elderly in Prolonging the Employment of Older Generations: Reconstructing Expert PerceptionsO. Parfenova, I. Petukhova Beyond the Ecumene: Where the Periphery EndsL. Bliakher, K. Grigorichev ESSAYS Federalism Is Full of Good IntentionsV. […]
In this article, I examine N. A. Berdyayev’s social philosophy of technology, which he positions as Christian-personalistic-socialistic. I reconstruct its main provisions and identify its “metaphysical” and “sociological” aspects. I show, first, that according to Berdyayev, metaphysics of technology is the critique of the modern idea of man about himself as homo faber or a toolmaking animal, which is the result of his violation of the eternal order of values and the creation of an idol from technology
FOCUS ON RUSSIA The Attitude of Russian Citizens Toward the Main Contradictions in Their SocietyI. Dudin “Green Guardians”: Attitudes of Russian Conservatives to Environmental ProblemsA. Scherbak, N. Zubarev, E. Semushkina Collective Behavior Models in Russia: Past and FutureYa. Mirkin ESSAYS The Fate of “Grand Theories” in EconomicsV. Avtonomov Health in Old Age: Stereotypes and Objective […]
This article analyzes the contemporary Russian historiography on the sources of Ukrainian nationalism. Consideration of its genesis takes into account three periods: the era of feudalism, the 19th century, and the 20th century.
The article views corruption as an integral feature and engine of the Russian economy. The main causes of corruption are linked to the nature of Russian privatization, the existing mechanisms of government appointments and career growth, and the lack of control over resources in the implementation of economic policies.
FOCUS ON RUSSIA Investigating the Spiritual and Moral State of Russian SocietyG. Bessokirnaya, O. Bolshakova, T. Karakhanova Do Recent Russian Collective Consciousness Data Signal an Extraordinary Situation or a New Cycle?Yu. Latov Entrepreneurship in the Russian Agricultural SectorM. Mukhanova ESSAYS Why Does Science Need Surplus Knowledge?A. Antonovski Anthropological Turn of Virtue Ethics: The Revival of […]
This article examines anti-Semitic propaganda of German authorities in occupied Soviet territory in the so-called “General District of Belarus.” The author identifies the main directions of anti-Semitic propaganda, analyzes its content, assesses the effectiveness of the ideological influence of the German occupation authorities on the Belarusian population, and proves that the occupiers tried to appeal to the national feelings of Belarusians using anti-Semitism.
FOCUS ON RUSSIA Traditions and Innovations in the Development Policy of Rural Territories in Russia: The Potential of CossacksE. Morozova, I. Miroshnichenko Worldview Specifics of Supporters of the Western Path of Development for Russia in Mass Population StrataN. Tikhonova National Network of Academic Journals as a System: Problems Before and After SanctionsE. Semenov ESSAYS On […]