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FOCUS ON RUSSIA Russian Identity: The Search for Its Definition and Dynamics of Its SpreadL. Drobizheva All-Russian Identity in the Orthodox-Islamic BorderlandS. Ryzhova How Are Young Russians Different from the Older Generations? Results of Sociological MonitoringD. Volkov Patriotism as Political Discourse in Contemporary RussiaM. Martynov, L. Fadeeva, A. Gaberkorn ESSAYS Drivers of the World EconomyV. […]
This article focuses on the more notable differences between the attitudes of young Russians and representatives of older generations in such areas as digitalization, television viewing, attitudes toward the West, tolerance of LGBT people, attitudes toward independence and willingness to do business, involvement in civic and protest activities.
FOCUS ON RUSSIA Young Intellectuals: Why Do They Leave, and Then Decide to Return to Russia?L. Borusyak Chances of Succeeding in Life as Seen in the Provinces in RussiaYe. Reutov, M. Reutova, I. Shavyrina ESSAYS Globalization: Territorial Heterogeneity and New Types of ConflictsV. Sergeev, A. Kazantsev, S. Medvedeva Intercultural Policies and Their Perspectives in RussiaE. […]
The answer to the problem of science as a political agent should demonstrate the extent to which the topic of philosophy of science and technology intersects with the philosophy of politics and modern science and technology studies, or STS. This problem is part of the topical agenda of social discourse on the nature of the Modernity and Postmodernity, the prospects of civilization, the role of scientific and technological development and the growing role of the media.
FOCUS ON RUSSIA “Liberals” vs. “Democrats”: Ideational Trajectories of Russia’s Post-Communist TransformationV. Gel’man Typical Views, Attitudes and Self-Identifications in Principal Strata of Today’s Russian SocietyN. Tikhonova Jews in Contemporary Russia: Assimilation and DissimilationA. Levinson ESSAYS Crisis of the Union State of Russia and BelarusA. Suzdaltsev The Stalin Prizes of Architect Ivan Zholtovsky (1940-1953)O. Shurygina Leo […]
FOCUS ON RUSSIA Social Effects of Post-Soviet Transformations in RussiaM. Gorshkov Phenomenology of the “Life World” of Urbanities in the Extra-Urban Space in the Russian Near North: Home and DomesticationN. Pokrovsky, U. Nikolaeva, J. Demidova ESSAYS Globalization vs. Nation-State: Going Backwards?K. Kholodkovsky Political Aspects of Contemporary IslamismL. Grinin, A. Korotayev Afghan Events of 1979-1989: From […]
What is the role of ideas in modernization in general and in post-Soviet modernization in particular? There is no consensus among experts on the contribution of ideas to the building of new institutions and practices in various countries in various historical periods. They answer differently the question of whether ideas cause transformations or the other way around. However, when it comes to political, economic and social transformations in post-Soviet Russia, the prevailing view is that ideas were secondary to the interests of key players.
Выборы на фоне Крыма: Электоральный цикл 2016-2018 гг. и перспективы политического транзита. Под ред. В. ФЕДОРОВА. М.: ВЦИОМ, 2018. 440 с. This review was first published in Russian in the journal Sotsiologicheskiye issledovaniya (Sociological Studies. 2019. No. 5, pp. 171-174; DOI: 10.31857/S013216250004974-4). Parliamentary and presidential elections are the highest points of a political cycle. Until […]
FOCUS ON RUSSIA State-Church Relations in Russia, or the National Features of SecularismV. Malakhov, D. Letnyakov The Judiciary of Post-Soviet Russia in Its Social ContextYu. Nisnevich RUSSIA IN THE WORLD Three Dimensions of Post-Soviet “Frozen” ConflictsN. Arbatova Russia and the Baltic States in the Context of the Ukraine CrisisR. Simonyan ESSAYS Pros and Cons of […]
FOCUS ON RUSSIA Young Intellectuals: Why Are They Leaving Russia And Do They Plan to Come Back?L. Borusyak The Russian Far North: Trumph over Spatial Inequality Or Expulsion from the Socio-Economic Order?T. Lytkina, A. Smirnov Economic Cooperation between the Russian Federation and North African CountriesS. Volkov, A. Tkachenko ESSAYS Making Progress Horizontally: Current Practices of […]