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ECONOMICS Transition to a New Economic Strategy Based on the Specific Nature of Human Capital in RussiaA. Auzan Reindustrialization of the Russian Economy and the Development of the Military-Industrial ComplexA. Balashov Ya. Martyanova HISTORY The Arab Spring: Light and ShadowsA. Kiva PHILOLOGY The Novel Yperite in Vsevolod Ivanov’s Artistic BiographyV. Yarantsev PHILOSOPHY The Later Husserl: […]
ECONOMICS Independent Economic Think Tanks in Russia: Evolution and Development ProspectsA. Yakovlev, L. Freynkman, A. Zolotov HISTORY The Interallied War in Summer 1913 as Seen by the Russian Public (Based on Russian press publications of the time)B. Kotov PHILOLOGY How Gogol’s Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends Reached the ReaderI. Monakhova PHILOSOPHY Locke’s RazorA. Yakovlev […]
ECONOMICS The Regional Dimension of the New Russian CrisisN. Zubarevich Civilizational and Institutional Context of Russia’s Innovation-Driven DevelopmentN. Zarubina HISTORY Political Transformation of the Countries of New Europe in the EUI. Yazhborovskaya The USA as Perceived by Russia’s Constitutional Democrats and Octobrists, 1905-1917P. Skopin PHILOLOGY “The Vegetarian Twenties” in Zakhar Prilepin’s The MonasteryA. Zhuchkova PHILOSOPHY Two […]
The focus of attention is the “social mechanism of the transformation process,” its main features and cognitive capacity, and the basic building blocks and relationships of the original “activities-structural” conception of this mechanism.
ECONOMICS Tatyana Zaslavskaya and Her Contribution to the Study of Post-Communist TransformationsM. Shabanova Mikhail Tugan-Baranovsky’s Ethical Economics and the Challenges of Global DevelopmentB. Korneychuk HISTORY World War I: A Historian’s ViewV. Vinogradov PHILOLOGY Herzen Jr., or Why Did Stavrogin Go to Iceland?I. Sirotkina PHILOSOPHY Medieval Nominalism and the Genesis of a New European MentalityP. Gaidenko […]
ECONOMICS Public Goods and Public Interests: Is There a Connection?V. Tambovtsev HISTORY Russian Diplomacy in the Framework of the Crimean SystemV. Khevrolina Ancient Occidental Saints in the 20th-century Russian Orthodox Church CalendarI. Semenenko-Bassin PHILOLOGY Weeping and Laughter in the “History of Pechorin’s Soul”V. Vlashchenko PHILOSOPHY Intuition and the Quantum Approach to the Theory of ConsciousnessM. […]
ECONOMICS Corruption in Russia, Russia Corrupted: Is There a Way Out?V. Kleiner The Depletion of Academic RentYe. Balatsky HISTORY Arms Production in Russia in the Early 20th CenturyV. Polikarpov PHILOLOGY Unidentified Allusions: 1970s Critiques of Georgy Vladimov’s Novel Three Minutes of SilenceV. Sobol POLITICAL SCIENCE The Crisis of Ukrainian Statehood: Political, Legal, Axiological and Geoeconomic AspectsV. […]