Variability and Dynamics of Russian Patriotic Attitudes Amid the Special Military Operation
I. Kuznetsov

Trends in Russians’ Perceptions of Various Aspects of Life: From Assessments to Demand for Social Policy
P. Sushko

Russian Citizens’ Views of the Future of Their Country: Key Concepts and Psychological Lens
E. Shestopal


Russia and the West (FREE content)
A. Kozyrev

Collective Responsibility: The Problem of Conceptualization in Moral Philosophy
R. Platonov

Do Proper Names Have References?
A. Chernyak

Ideology and Theoretical Narratives in Economics
V. Volchik, E. Fursa

Persecution of Legalists and Legalist Organizations in the Russian Empire at the Turn of the 20th Century
D. Rybin

Shock Work in Soviet Industry as an Integral Part of the Great Turn
M. Feldman

Love and Form: L. Tolstoy’s Ideas Creatively Interpreted by M. Gershenzon
N. Smirnova

The Russian Theme in the Diary of Eugène-Melchior de Vogüé
V. Trykov