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A Chinese envoy warned on Tuesday [June 21] that antagonism within the international community over the conflict in Ukraine is disrupting UN work.
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday [June 15] afternoon held a phone conversation with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin.
Dong Yue: The US’s highhanded approach cannot hold up the inevitable demise of so-called US hegemony, nor will those maneuvers succeed in containing China.
Xinhua: With humanity once again at a crossroads, China offers the international community the Global Security Initiative (GSI), another global public good that contributes Chinese solutions and wisdom to addressing the world’s security challenges.
This article notes that Washington and Tokyo intend to continue hindering Taiwan’s reunification with Mainland China, which would greatly strengthen Beijing’s position in the Pacific Ocean. Under the administration of President Donald Trump, the United States notably stepped up its support for Taiwan, in both expanding its official ties with Taipei and supplying it with American arms.
Xinhua: US President Joe Biden, in a belated and hasty manner, has concluded his first trip to Asia since taking office, seeking in vain to rope regional countries into Washington’s anti-China agenda.
Tembe: The PRC has concretely demonstrated that democratic values and institutions can be singularly associated with China in its long march towards whole people’s empowerment and representativity.
Zhang Jun: To base one country’s security on the insecurity of other nations is neither reasonable nor operable
Xinhua: At a time when the international system with the UN at its core is facing severe challenges, all countries should keep in mind the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, bear in mind the larger interest of the international community, resolve differences through diplomacy and dialogue, and jointly promote global peace and development under the coordination of the UN.
Xinhua: China’s anti-epidemic experience has demonstrated that its “dynamic zero-COVID” policy is not only the best option but also the bottom line that must be maintained for the country’s current epidemic prevention and control work.