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Wang Lei: Washington should not underestimate China’s strong determination and will to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Those who continue to play with fire over Taiwan-related issues will ultimately pay a heavy price.
Zhong Sheng: Resolving the Taiwan question and realizing China’s complete reunification is a historic mission and an unshakable commitment of the CPC and also a shared aspiration of all the people of the Chinese nation.
Golts: Helping Beijing build a MAEWS could undermine Moscow’s position on the global stage.
Xinhua: China announces that key IT infrastructure projects will come under the country’s special protection.
China urges the international community to carry forward the Afghan peace process by preventing all-out war, advancing peace and reconciliation, and fighting terrorism.
Chinese Foreign Minister: In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and profound changes across the globe, China-Russia relations have shown great resilience and become a very important stabilizing force for today’s world.
This article notes that Washington and Tokyo intend to continue hindering Taiwan’s reunification with Mainland China, which would greatly strengthen Beijing’s position in the Pacific Ocean. Under the administration of President Donald Trump, the United States notably stepped up its support for Taiwan, in both expanding its official ties with Taipei and supplying it with American arms.
Xinhua: China creates national administration of disease prevention and control, with five major functions including formulating policies for the prevention and control of infectious diseases
China has enhanced efforts to ensure data security in facial recognition as the technology has raised increasing concerns over users’ privacy.
Frolov: Washington fails to mobilize allies against Russia and China Munich Security Conference.