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Russian President Vladimir Putin submitted eight bills to the State Duma intended as legislative implementation of the constitutional amendments adopted earlier this year.
United Russia sweeps Russian regional elections.
Letter From the Editors, Volume 72, Number 37
Letter From the Editors, Volume 72, Number 36
Letter From the Editors, Volume 72, Number 33
With the jobless rate remaining high for the past there months, Hong Kong has stepped up relief measures to help struggling businesses keep afloat and cash-strapped residents make ends meet in its latest effort to mitigate impacts of the COVID-19 epidemic.
The open confrontation between Khabarovsk residents and the federal center that spontaneously erupted after Russian Investigative Committee staff and FSB officers detained now-former Khabarovsk Territory governor Sergei Furgal is perhaps the most riveting political event of the year.
What is the role of ideas in modernization in general and in post-Soviet modernization in particular? There is no consensus among experts on the contribution of ideas to the building of new institutions and practices in various countries in various historical periods. They answer differently the question of whether ideas cause transformations or the other way around. However, when it comes to political, economic and social transformations in post-Soviet Russia, the prevailing view is that ideas were secondary to the interests of key players.