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Russian President Vladimir Putin began a meeting on economic issues on Tuesday [April 14] by proposing to evaluate the new economic trends that have emerged because of the coronavirus pandemic. Russia’s economic situation is currently not all that rosy. After panic purchases of food and essential goods, Russians are switching to austerity [consumer habits], according to business surveys. That is not surprising: Many citizens expect either to lose their job or take a pay cut this year.
Around 5 p.m. on June 11, Internal Affairs Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev announced that the criminal charges against Meduza correspondent Ivan Golunov have been dropped “due to lack of evidence of his involvement in the commission of a crime.”
A PART OF THE WESTERN WORLD, Europe, however, has been very selective about alien cultures and civilizations; not a “melting pot” American style, it is paying dearly for this function imposed on it. The disagreements on the migration issues in the European corridors of power threaten the cohesion of the European Unity.
The focus of attention is the “social mechanism of the transformation process,” its main features and cognitive capacity, and the basic building blocks and relationships of the original “activities-structural” conception of this mechanism.