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Patrushev: ‘Bloody’ NATO, unleashed by fall of Warsaw pact, attacked Yugoslavia, closed on Russia’s borders, militarized post-coup Ukraine; US uses russophobia to keep allies dependent.
Current Digest of the Russian Press, Letter From the Editors, Volume 76, Number 13 (March 25-31, 2024)
Zhelenin: Crocus City, official reaction bear all hallmarks of kremlin false flag attack.
Current Digest of the Russian Press, Letter From the Editors, Volume 76, Number 11 (March 18-24, 2024)
Roshchin: Division within the elites is what is needed to effect a change in power in Russia; election protests sent ‘powerful horizontal message’ that Kremlin can’t suppress dissent.
Current Digest of the Russian Press, Letter From the Editors, Volume 76, Number 11 (March 11-17, 2024)
Rudnev: Russia’s promotion of ‘traditional values’ has had little effect on Russians’ attitudes.
Current Digest of the Russian Press, Letter From the Editors, Volume 76, Number 9-10 (Feb. 26-March 10, 2024)
Kolesnikov: TV coverage showed media circus ahead of longest-ever message, but president trod familiar ground; massive spending plans, nuclear saber rattling put spectators to sleep.
Zavadskaya: Navalny’s murder ‘great human tragedy’ that marks major turning point for the Russian regime; Navalny and his team have built a ‘structural frame’ for a new political system; people must not now ‘give up,’ be silent.