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Current Digest of the Russian Press, Letter From the Editors, Volume 76, Number 4 (Jan. 22-28, 2024)
NG: Presidential election is designed to show that the leftist electorate is miniscule after government’s crackdown on political space.
Current Digest of the Russian Press, Letter From the Editors, Volume 76, Number 1-3 (Jan. 1-21, 2024)
NG: Medvedev being used to float radical goals for Ukraine war with public.
Kolesnikov: President’s press conference a ‘made-for-tv’ event with little substance; topics that generated most interest were abortion, Ukraine, detained WSJ journalist.
Current Digest of the Russian Press, Letter From the Editors, Volume 75, Number 51-52 (Dec. 18-24, 2023)
Current Digest of the Russian Press, Letter From the Editors, Volume 75, Number 50 (Dec. 11-17, 2023)
Current Digest of the Russian Press, Letter From the Editors, Volume 75, Number 48-49 (Nov. 27-Dec. 10, 2023)
Current Digest of the Russian Press, Letter From the Editors, Volume 75, Number 47 (Nov. 20-26, 2023)
Republic: Belgorod residents grapple with realities of wartime life.