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Travin: Each of Putin’s presidential terms has featured a slightly different regime.
Russian Senator Aleksei Pushkov discusses new Russian legislation that would allow the government to impose sanctions on foreign tech companies for censoring Russian online content.
Paniyev: Outgoing US President Donald Trump extensively damaged US-Russian relations. President-elect Joe Biden will likely reprise Obama’s policies toward Russia.
The year 2020 saw China-US relations trapped in downward spiral.
Lukyanov: Results of 2020 US presidential election show a divided America that is about to go through a difficult transformation.
Pastukhov: Kremlin resorting to time-tested disinformation and disorientation methods to respond to charges in Navalny poisoning case.
China, Russia voice optimism about their relations and willingness to promote even greater bilateral coordination.
Ji Ping: Taking advantage of its economic, military, scientific and technological strength, the US has long been notorious for adopting every possible means and exerting all its authority to meddle in other countries’ internal affairs, posing serious threats to global political security.
Zabrodin: Disputed outcome of US presidential election polarizes world leaders.
Mass protests break out in Kyrgyzstan following parliamentary elections.