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THROUGHOUT history, Western civilization has sought to impose its will on external actors. Rather than relying on direct military defeat – rarely feasible due to the perpetual lack of material and human resources among Europeans – the preferred strategy was far simpler: the destruction of existing power structures from within, using others as proxies.
Garbuzov: Autocratic regimes build historical myths to legitimize themselves in people’s eyes.
The time has come to state bluntly that the West has taken the path of war in hopes of destabilizing Russia and replacing the people in power with its puppets – in other words, to finally solve the Russian question.
The time has come to state bluntly that the West has taken the path of war in hopes of destabilizing Russia and replacing the people in power with its puppets – in other words, to finally solve the Russian question.
Right now, forming, keeping, and promoting traditional spiritual and moral values is a priority policy issue in both domestic politics and international relations.
This article analyzes some aspects of civilizationism as a trend in the self-positioning strategies of several Asian states, notably China and India, as well as some other countries. Close attention is paid to the concept of the civilization state (CS), as distinct from the nation state (NS), where the former reveals the specific characteristics of the major non-Western states.
This article analyzes some aspects of civilizationism as a trend in the self-positioning strategies of several Asian states, notably China and India, as well as some other countries. Close attention is paid to the concept of the civilization state (CS), as distinct from the nation state (NS), where the former reveals the specific characteristics of the major non-Western states.
This article analyzes some aspects of civilizationism as a trend in the self-positioning strategies of several Asian states, notably China and India, as well as some other countries. Close attention is paid to the concept of the civilization state (CS), as distinct from the nation state (NS), where the former reveals the specific characteristics of the major non-Western states.
This article notes that Washington and Tokyo intend to continue hindering Taiwan’s reunification with Mainland China, which would greatly strengthen Beijing’s position in the Pacific Ocean. Under the administration of President Donald Trump, the United States notably stepped up its support for Taiwan, in both expanding its official ties with Taipei and supplying it with American arms.
THE APPROACHING 75th anniversary of the end of World War II gave a new lease of life to the so-called “memory wars.” On September 19, 2019, the European Parliament passed a resolution “On the importance of European remembrance for the future of Europe”1 that, among other things, shifted the burden of equal responsibility for World War […]