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POLITICAL ANALYSTS in many countries, including America, have been discussing a post-American world for years now. The Ukrainian crisis and its impending end allow us to talk about a new kind of geopolitics, since extensive American involvement in this conflict by proxy might mean that the defeat of Kiev will become the defeat of the […]
Position of the Russian Federation MARCH 18, 2014 saw the signing of an international agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Crimea on admission of the Republic of Crimea to the RF and on creation of new subjects within the Russian Federation. Under the agreement, applicable from the date of signature and in […]
Ryabkov: West’s ‘destructive path’ on Ukraine limits potential for arms control talks.
Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, making a keynote speech here on Thursday [Sept. 22] at the headquarters of Asia Society, expounded on the right way for China and the US to develop relations in the new era.
The metaverse makes inroads in China.
Golts: Russia’s new naval doctrine raises Risks of armed confrontation with the West
Mikhail Gorbachev, the last secretary general of the CPSU and the only president of the USSR, passed away on Aug. 30, 2022, leaving a complicated legacy.
A Chinese envoy on Wednesday [Aug. 24] warned of the dangers of a new Cold War and stressed the importance of safeguarding global strategic stability.
Golts: Russia-Ukraine conflict bears eerie similarities to Korean War
Zhong Sheng: The US should do what it says, put its commitment of not supporting “Taiwan independence” and not seeking to change the status quo in the Taiwan Strait into practice, and immediately stop its schemes regarding the one-China policy.