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Adaptation strategies to such traumatic events as military conflicts are largely determined by assessments of these events. The purpose of this article is to describe the similarities and differences in the adaptation strategies of supporters and opponents of the Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine.
The rapid development of the platform economy not only leads to changes in the organizational forms of the economy, but fundamentally transforms social relationships on the macro- and micro levels, directly affecting a major subject area of sociology.
Expert: Pernicious effects of Russian propaganda can only be undone through media literacy
This article analyzes some aspects of civilizationism as a trend in the self-positioning strategies of several Asian states, notably China and India, as well as some other countries. Close attention is paid to the concept of the civilization state (CS), as distinct from the nation state (NS), where the former reveals the specific characteristics of the major non-Western states.
The border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland is the key issue at the talks on Brexit. An absence of Ireland’s only land border is its most amazing feature. The winding and twisting border of nearly 499 km long is not marked by pillars or barriers; there is no barbed wire or checkpoints. After the 2016 referendum on the withdrawal of Great Britain from the EU, the border issue moved to the fore in the relations between the UK and Ireland. When the UK leaves the European Union, the counties on both sides of the twisting border will become the frontier of the EU which will increase, at least theoretically, the possibility of political and economic crises and deeper conflicts in both countries.
IT HAS BEEN over a year since President Donald Trump announced on June 1, 2017, that the United States was withdrawing from the United Nations Paris Agreement on climate change. He thereby put an end to the suspense that had lasted right from the U.S. presidential election and was on a par with a good […]
A PART OF THE WESTERN WORLD, Europe, however, has been very selective about alien cultures and civilizations; not a “melting pot” American style, it is paying dearly for this function imposed on it. The disagreements on the migration issues in the European corridors of power threaten the cohesion of the European Unity.
THE CRISIS between Russia and the West is associated with Crimea and Russia’s actions in Donbass and Ukraine; in fact, it has deeper roots while its long-term repercussions might prove to be much graver than expected. A large-scale armed clash cannot be excluded even if this possibility is gradually reducing; we should be ready to […]