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Wars that are a continuation of politics by states have practically always been waged according to special rules of warfare, by a specially trained state organization: the army. Analysis of the international situation that has evolved lately shows that the military conflicts occurring in the world are fundamentally different from the classical war type. New-type conflicts lack the uniformity of organized force traditionally represented by the state. Instead, they feature nonstate entities as initiators of organized action and the employment of nonmilitary methods of confrontation along with traditional military methods.
Chinese Envoy Dai Bing: ““The way the situation in Afghanistan has transpired recently is proof that foreign military intervention and the imposition of a ‘democratic transformation’ program does nothing to help solve any problem.”
Xinhua: A more complex and challenging humanitarian catastrophe is shaping up in Afghanistan after the US started hastily withdrawing its troops from the country, leading to an immediate conflict escalation and a rapid deterioration of security.
Golts: The claim that the Russian Army is not only among the world’s most advanced, but superior to the rest requires clarification, at the very least.
Wars that are a continuation of politics by states have practically always been waged according to special rules of warfare, by a specially trained state organization: the army. Analysis of the international situation that has evolved lately shows that the military conflicts occurring in the world are fundamentally different from the classical war type. New-type conflicts lack the uniformity of organized force traditionally represented by the state. Instead, they feature nonstate entities as initiators of organized action and the employment of nonmilitary methods of confrontation along with traditional military methods.
Wars that are a continuation of politics by states have practically always been waged according to special rules of warfare, by a specially trained state organization: the army. Analysis of the international situation that has evolved lately shows that the military conflicts occurring in the world are fundamentally different from the classical war type. New-type conflicts lack the uniformity of organized force traditionally represented by the state. Instead, they feature nonstate entities as initiators of organized action and the employment of nonmilitary methods of confrontation along with traditional military methods.
This paper conducts a retrospective analysis of the evolution of views on military security in the Arctic region by Russia’s military-political leadership. It singles out the main factors that have affected the practical implementation of measures to protect the northern borders of the state.
Xinhua: Is China’s military spending too hefty? Is the figure growing too fast? Is the so-called “Chinese military threat” well grounded?
The radical transformation of international relations and the emergence of new types of conflicts are urging Russian military science to step up research on strategic culture.
Xinhua: The US government recently rejected a Russian proposal to extend the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty for at least one year without conditions. Hegemony-minded Washington poses the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability.